Emilio Mueller

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Emilio Müller (1892–1932) painter, Sissach cemetery
Grave, Sissach cemetery

Emilio Müller (born November 29, 1892 in Herisau , † October 21, 1932 in Castel San Pietro ) was a Swiss theater painter and painter .

life and work

Emilio Müller family lived in Sissach from 1906 . In Böckten he attended the district school and got his first drawing lessons from Wilhelm Balmer . This recognized his talent and promoted him. He completed a three-year apprenticeship with the theater painter Anton Eberhard (1906–1994) from Weesen and then attended the trade school in Basel . He later worked for Albert Isler (1874–1933) as a theater painter in Zurich for a few years . There he met Hanni Bay and painted a portrait of her daughter.

In 1920 Emilio Müller worked as a copyist in Florence . There he copied the works of Titian , Rembrandt , Angelico and Tintoretto and earned the reputation of being one of the best copyists. Later he stayed on Elba and in Sicily . There he created a large mural in the cloister of the Baida Monastery . The works of Chirico , Matisse and Cézanne influenced his further work. In 1924 a study visit to Paris followed

In 1925 Emilio Müller stayed again in Florence and Lipardi , in 1927 in Dalmatia , southern France , Corsica and Ragusa . In 1928 he lived and worked for a year in Ligornetto, where he became friends with the artist Hugo Cleis (1903–1976) who lived there. The following years Emilio Müller lived in Obino, Castel San Pietro . There he created most of his works. It was here that the transition from the representational to large, abstract areas of color, strong contrasts, varied between brightest yellow, fiery red and deepest black.

Emilio Müller works can be seen in the churches of Langenbruck , Gelterkinden , Frenkendorf and Bubendorf . Emilio Müller also created works for the interiors of the Liestal Cantonal Bank and for the Liestal Cantonal Hospital . In the gable of the ossuary at the Sissach cemetery, he created the fresco of the Resurrection of Lazarus.

For the movie theater Uhu In Liestal founded by his brother-in-law Paul Affolter-Müller in 1929, Emilio Müller was responsible for the decoration, coloring and design of the cinema curtain. One of his best friends was the architect and art patron Adolf Müller-Senglet (1896–1942) from Liestal.

His last major work that Emilio Müller created with Otto Plattner was the three-part mural for the district council chamber in Liestal town hall. A few months after the inauguration, Emilio Müller died of pneumonia. His grave is located next to the ossuary in the Sissach cemetery.

In 1932, paintings, watercolors and drawings by Emilio Müller were exhibited in the Kunsthalle Basel . The artist and journalist Aldo Patocchi (1907–1986) wrote about the occasion in the Ticino newspaper Illustrazione ticinese . In 1962, the works of Emilio Müller were shown in a memorial exhibition in Ebenrain Castle in Sissach.


Barbara Suter: The painter Emilio Müller (1892–1932) , Baselbieter Heimatbuch, Vol. 9, 1962, pp. 175–183

Web links

Commons : Emilio Müller  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Basellandschaftliche Zeitung, 1929: Emilio Müller, Lichtspieltheater Uhu in Liestal. Retrieved November 7, 2019 .