Emmanuel Kiwanuka Nsubuga

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Emmanuel Cardinal Kiwanuka Nsubuga (born November 5, 1914 in Kisule , Uganda , † April 20, 1991 in Cologne , Germany ) was Archbishop of Kampala .


Emmanuel Nsubuga studied in the seminary of Katigondo the subjects philosophy and Catholic theology . He received the 1946 sacrament of Holy Orders , and then worked as a parish pastoral . From 1961 to 1966 he headed the administration of the Archdiocese of Kampala as Vicar General .

In 1966 Pope Paul VI appointed him . to the Archbishop of Kampala. The episcopal ordination donated him on October 30, 1966 Cardinal Laurean Cardinal Rugambwa , Archbishop of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania; Co -consecrators were the future Cardinal Guido Del Mestri , Nuncio in Kenya, and Jean-Marie-Gaëtan Ogez , Bishop of Mbarara in Uganda.

Emmanuel Kiwanuka Nsubuga chaired the Ugandan Bishops' Conference from 1967 to 1975 . In 1976 Pope Paul VI took it. as a cardinal priest with the titular church Santa Maria Nuova in the College of Cardinals .

Emmanuel Kiwanuka Nsubuga resigned from the leadership of the Archdiocese of Kampala in 1990 for reasons of age. He died on April 20, 1991 in Cologne during a visit to the Federal Republic of Germany . He was buried in Kampala Cathedral .

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predecessor Office successor
Joseph Kiwánuka Archbishop of Kampala
Emmanuel Cardinal Wamala