Emmanuel d'Hooghvorst

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Emmanuel d'Hooghvorst (right) and his brother Charles
Manifesto against Leon Degrelle, by Emmanuel d'Hooghvorst

Emmanuel d'Hooghvorst , full name Emmanuel van der Linden d'Hooghvorst , (born April 30, 1914 in Brussels ; † May 17, 1999 ibid) was a Belgian writer , spagir philosopher and alchemist . He was a student of Louis Cattiaux .


Emmanuel d'Hooghvorst was the son of Victor van der Linden d'Hooghvorst (1878–1942) and Marthe Descantons de Montblanc (1887–1978) and the eldest of six children. In 1939 he married Countess Elisabeth de Marnix de Sainte Aldegonde. There were four children from the marriage.

Live and act

D'Hooghvorst attended the Cardinal Mercier Humanistic High School in Braine-l'Alleud , where he learned Latin and Greek . He then studied philosophy at the Catholic University of Leuven . In 1935 he went on a four-week trip to Spain with his friend Nicolas de Staël and then spent a year in the Belgian Congo as a gold prospector .

In April 1936, as a Catholic member of "L'Action Nouvelle", he published a pamphlet - J'accuse Léon Degrelle (German: I accuse Léon Degrelle ) - which exposed the intentions of Rexism . There he wrote: “The Rex campaign is a horrific exploitation of popular gullibility. But it is necessary for the audience to recognize the true personality of the leader of the Rex movement, his ultimate intentions and the means he uses to realize them. "

During the Spanish Civil War he worked as a war correspondent for the daily newspaper La Libre Belgique . During the time of the German occupation he was arrested twice by the Gestapo , but then released.

He began to devote himself to the study of classical texts, especially Neoplatonism and Pythagoreanism .

To study the scriptures of all nations, d'Hooghvorst later enrolled at the school of a rabbi, the philosophy professor Joèl Ashkenazi in Paris to learn Hebrew and Aramaic . He also studied Arabic at the Université Libre de Bruxelles . For his part he taught free grammar and texts of the Hebrew Kabbalah to small groups of friends (including excerpts from the Zohar of Ashlag , from the Mishnat Hazohar by Isaiah Tishby, the Midrash Rabba , the Midrash Hagadol and the Talmud ).

From 1975 until his death, d'Hooghvorst wrote numerous articles and papers and gave occasional conferences. He commented on texts on various topics such as the Odyssey of Homer , the Aeneid or the Bucolica by Virgil , the tarot cards, the fairy tales of Perrault , the Divine Comedy by Dante , King Midas of Ovid , the texts of the Jewish Kabbalah and the alchemical writings . He commented according to his own words: in the hermetic sense, based on a single experience.

D'Hooghvorst was in a written exchange with personalities such as Henry Corbin , Roch Boulvin, Lanza del Vasto , José Gifreda, Georges Finet , Jean Mallinger, Marcel de Corte, Alexander von Bernus and Serge Mayassis

Encounter with Louis Cattiaux

In 1949 he discovered the work Le Message Retrouvé by Louis Cattiaux , which was described in a press review as a work of Hermetism worth reading . He then contacted Louis Cattiaux and became Cattiaux's pupil. A friendship developed with a lively correspondence. In July 1953, Louis Cattiaux died unexpectedly. From 1954 Emmanuel d'Hooghvorst published an article in the Swiss magazine Inconnues with the title: Le Message prophétique de Louis Cattiaux (German: The prophetic message of Louis Cattiaux ). The brothers Emmanuel and Charles d'Hooghorst published the full edition of Cattiaux's work Le Message Retrouvé in 1956 , as the first edition from 1946 contained only 12 of the 40 chapters made up of verses.

Much of the extensive correspondence with Cattiaux was published by d'Hooghvorst as a flower harvest in the Belgian magazine Le Fil d'Ariane . He arranged and titled them according to topics (not chronologically) under the name Florilège Cattésien . The Spanish professor Raimon Arola published the entire flower harvest in 1999, initially in Castilian translation in Tarragona , and again in 2006 under the title Florilegio Epistolar, Reflejos de una busqueda alquimica (German: Briefwechsel-Blumenlese, reflection of an alchemical search ). In 2006 this work was also published in French.

Writer and translator

Poster announcing the publication of the Fil de Pénélope Volume II in 1998 .

From 1951 D'Hooghvorst published numerous articles on Le Message Retrouvé . In his Essai sur l'Art d'Alchymie , he critically examined numerous books on alchemy and their authors:

“As we read these books, however, we should ask ourselves whether we are dealing with charlatans who hide their ignorance under the guise of conceited jargon, or with sages who carefully hide their knowledge under the thorns of an obscure style, with the aim of putting the reader's acumen and perseverance to the test. Both hypotheses apply. "

D'Hooghvorst also continued his studies of authentically original Hermetic and Alchemical treatises. In order to make the texts of these treatises, usually written in Greek or Latin, accessible to a wider audience, he published his own French translation of Chapter IV of Hydrolithus Sophicus seu Aquarium Sapientium (German: The Aquarium of the Wise ) in 1955 in the magazine Inconnues. , which is attributed to Johann Ambrosius Siebmacher . With his suggestion and support, this work was published in 1989 by La Table d'Émeraude in Paris. In the foreword d'Hooghvorst wrote:

“The secret of the philosophical stone without wanting to achieve divine blessing is dangerous madness; It would be just as vain, moreover, to try to penetrate the books of the Hermetic philosophers, the only true ones, without first turning to the light of the Sacred Scriptures, of which the former is, in a certain way, experimentation and confirmation in physical nature are."

In 1958 he wrote the introduction to Traité du Ciel terrestre by Eugenius Philalethes (alias Thomas Vaughan ), which his friend Armand Deruyt had previously translated for the magazine Inconnues . The work was published in two parts in 1958 and 1960. This introduction was adopted unchanged a few days after d'Hooghvorst's death by Clément Rosereau in his edition of the Œvres Complètes de Thomas Vaughan .

His clearly “cabbalistic” approach to the novel Don Quixote by Miguel Cervantes inspired the Cervantes study by Pere Sánchez Ferré, with the subtitle Cábala y alquimia en el Quijote (German: Kabbala and Alchemie im Quixote ), which Emmanuel d'Hooghvorst dedicated .

D'Hooghvorst's articles were regularly published in the religious and hermetic magazine Le Fil d'Ariane (German: Der Faden der Ariadne ), founded in 1977 by Jean-Marie d'Ansembourg . He also wrote for the Spanish journal La Puerta, Retorno à las fuentes traditionales and for the French alchemical journal La Tourbe des Philosophes, which appeared from 1977 to 1986 . Shortly before his death, he delivered the manuscript of his last work in the form of poetic sentences entitled Les Aphorismes du Nouveau Monde (German: The Aphorisms of the New World ).


Regarding d'Hooghvorst's influence, especially with regard to alchemical studies, Raimon Arola already emphasized it in the introduction to his work Alquimia y religious : "Such was the original intention of Baron d'Hooghvorst, which we will use as a starting point for our considerations" . Arola also quoted d'Hooghvorst in his extensive work: La Cábala y la Alquimia .

Luisa Vert paid him homage in her Trece Fábulas alquimicas : “Emmanuel van der Linden d'Hooghvorst was a profound expert on Occidental spirituality, who dedicated a large part of his essays to the art of alchemy. It is without a doubt his writings that aroused my interest in this exciting discipline ”.

In 2018, the art historian Roger Ferrer wrote in his doctoral thesis entitled Mágica Belleza : “With regard to this idea (the embodiment of the spirit), the alchemy d'Hooghvorst gave the following advice: To give the immeasurable body and measure, that is the mystery of pure art . "

The philosopher Mohammed Taleb commented on the subject of truths of physical and metaphysical rank: “These truths were perceived through the centuries, from Plutarch (42–120) to Clement of Alexandria (150–220), from Michael Psellos (1018–1078) to Emmanuel d'Hooghvorst (1904-1999) ”.

New releases

D'Hooghvorst's article was first published in 1996 under the title Le Fil de Pénélope , Volume I, by La Table d'Émeraude , Paris. Volume II was published in 1998.

In 2009 an expanded reprint of the Fil de Pénélope , Volume I, was published by Éditions Beya; An expanded edition of Volume II in 2019. Various translations of the two volumes were published in Catalan and Spanish in 1999.

The blossom harvest resulting from the correspondence with Cattiaux was published by Raimon Arola in 1999, initially in a Castilian translation in Tarragona , and again in 2006 under the title Florilegio Epistolar, Reflejos de una busqueda alquimica (German: Briefwechsel-Blumenlese, reflection of an alchemical search ). In 2006 this work was also published in French.


  • Laurent Greilsamer: Le Prince foudroyé, La vie de Nicolas de Staël . Fayard, Paris 1998, ISBN 2213595526
  • Geneviève Dubois: Ces hommes qui ont fait l'alchimie du XXe siècle: Louis Cattiaux , Emmanuel d'Hooghvorst, José Gifreda, Henri Coton-Alvart, Henri La Croix-Haute, Roger Caro, Alphonse Jobert, Pierre Dujols de Valois, Fulcanelli , et Eugène Canseliet . Geneviève Dubois Éditions, Grenoble 1999, ISBN 2-84461-007-2
  • L'Alchimie, Thème spécial: Le Colloque Canseliet . Arcadis Éditions, Amiens, 2001
  • Raimon Arola: Creer lo increible o lo antiguo y lo nuevo en la Historia de las religiones . Arola Editors, Tarragona 2006, ISBN 84-96639-06-1
  • Stéphane Feye: Emmanuel d'Hooghvorst - Cabale et Alchimie. (PDF; 111 kB) Éditions Beya, December 5, 1999, accessed on December 11, 2019 .
  • Pere Sánchez: La desaparición de un hermetista, Emmanuel d'Hooghvorst . In: Letra y Espiritu, Revista de Estudios Tradicionales , number 5, 1999
  • Digital magazine Arsgravis - Arte y Symbolismo - Universitat de Barcelona. Cattiaux »Emm. d'Hooghvorst. ARSGRAVIS, 2006, accessed December 11, 2019 .
  • Mercè Viladomiu, El sentido oculto de los Cuentos tradicionales . Ediciones Obelisco, Barcelona 2006, ISBN 84-9777-308-X
  • Jean-Pierre Giudicelli de Cressac Bachelerie: Pour la Rose Rouge et la Croix d'Or. Alchemy, hermétisme et ordres initiatiques . Le Mercure Dauphinois, Grenoble 2007, ISBN 2913826865
  • Mohammed Taleb: Les routes et lieux-dits de l'âme du monde. Introduction à une geographie symbolique, radicale et visionnaire . Entrelacs, Paris, 2019, ISBN 979-10-90174-57-3
  • Bernard Chauvière: Aperçus alchimiques. Arqa, Marseille 2015, ISBN 2-7551-0078-8

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Bernard Chauvière: Aperçus alchimiques . Arqa, Marseille 2015, ISBN 2-7551-0078-8 , p. 76.
  2. Emmanuel van der LINDEN d'HOOGHVORST. Geneanet, accessed December 11, 2019 .
  3. J.-P. Deschepper, P. Seys: Chronique de l'Institut Supérieur de Philosophy . In: Revue philosophique de Louvain , Peeters Publishers, Löwen, Volume 91, Number 92, November 1993, p. 715.
  4. Bernard Chauvière: Aperçus alchimiques . Arqa, Marseille 2015, ISBN 2-7551-0078-8 , p. 76.
  5. Laurent Greilsamer, Le Prince foudroyé. La Vie de Nicolas de Staël . Fayard, Paris 1998, ISBN 2213595526 , p. 64.
  6. a b Stéphane Feye: Emmanuel d'Hooghvorst - Cabale et Alchimie. (PDF; 111 kB) Éditions Beya, December 5, 1999, accessed on December 11, 2019 .
  7. ^ Emmanuel d'Hooghvorst: J'Accuse Léon Degrelle . Établissements Delplace, Koch & Co, 49, Longue rue Porte aux Vaches, Antwerp, April 1936, p. 1.
  8. ^ Marie-Pierre d'Udekem d'Acoz: Pour le roi et la patrie. The noblesse belge in the resistance . Racine, Brussels 2002, ISBN 2-87386-287-4 , pp. 88, 89.
  9. Louis Cattiaux. Art and Popular Culture Encyclopedia, accessed December 11, 2019 .
  10. Marcel Roggemans: De Fudosi . Lulu.com, Brussels 2002, ISBN 978-1446677056 , p. 23.
  11. ^ Emmanuel d'Hooghvorst: unpublished letter to Professor Stéphane Feye.
  12. Bernard Chauvière: Aperçus alchimiques . Arqa, Marseille 2015, ISBN 2-7551-0078-8 , pp. 76, 77.
  13. For example: L'Astrologie dans l'Antiquité (Astrology in antiquity) , a conference that he held on December 15 at the Société Théosophique, in L'Atelier, 51, rue du Commerce, Brussels gave, of which the text was resumed in the expanded edition of the Fil de Pénélope, Volume II, Beya, Grez-Doiceau 2019, ISBN 978-2-930729-11-4 , pp. 361-380.
  14. We recall that from ancient times and up to a modern era of humanism and late humanism, Homer's allegorical interpretation was the norm. One read e.g. For example: Héraclite, Allégories d'Homère , a text written and translated by Félix Buffière, Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1962, p. 66, par. 60.1: “Isn't it enough if the uninterrupted chant of the Homeric wisdom emerges, thus allegorically expressing the truth about the gods? "
  15. Archives et manuscrits de l'École Pratique des Hautes Études. . Corbin, Henry à Hooghvorst, E. d ' . In: Calames. ABES, accessed December 11, 2019 (French).
  16. Raimon Arola: Croire l'Incroyable, ou l'Ancien et le Nouveau dans l'histoire des Religions , Beya, Grez-Doiceau 2006, ISBN 2-9600364-7-6 , p. 48.
  17. Critique by René Guénon in the journal Études Traditionelles No. 270, 1948.
  18. ^ Charles d'Hooghvorst: Louis Cattiaux, le méconnu . In: Epignôsis Initiation , number 21, 1990, pp. 43-72.
  19. ^ Geneviève Dubois: Ces hommes qui ont fait l'alchimie du XXe siècle: Louis Cattiaux, Emmanuel d'Hooghvorst, José Gifreda, Henri Coton-Alvart, Henri La Croix-Haute, Roger Caro, Alphonse Jobert, Pierre Dujols de Valois, Fulcanelli , et Eugène Canseliet . Geneviève Dubois Éditions, Grenoble 1999, ISBN 2-84461-007-2 , p. 9.
  20. ^ Geneviève Dubois: Ces hommes qui ont fait l'alchimie du XXe siècle: Louis Cattiaux, Emmanuel d'Hooghvorst, José Gifreda, Henri Coton-Alvart, Henri La Croix-Haute, Roger Caro, Alphonse Jobert, Pierre Dujols de Valois, Fulcanelli , et Eugène Canseliet . Geneviève Dubois Éditions, Grenoble 1999, ISBN 2-84461-007-2 , pp. 10-14
  21. Raimon Arola: Croire l'Incroyable, ou l'Ancien et le Nouveau dans l'histoire des Religions , Editions Beya, Grez-Doiceau June 2006, ISBN 2-9600364-7-6 , p. 12.
  22. ^ Louis Cattiaux: Florilegio Epistolar, Reflejos de una busqueda alquímica . Arola Editors, Tarragona March 1999.
  23. Raimon Arola: Croire l'Incroyable, ou l'Ancien et le Nouveau dans l'histoire des Religions , Éditions Beya, Grez-Doiceau June 2006, ISBN 2-9600364-7-6 , pp. 239, 240.
  24. ^ Emmanuel d'Hooghvorst: Le Message Retrouvé . In Les Cahiers trimestriels Inconnues , Pierre Genillard, Lausanne 1951, number 6, pp. 3-54. LE MESSAGE RETROUVÉEmmanuel d'Hooghvorst: Le Message Retrouvé. (PDF; 32 kB) Le Message Retrouvé, accessed on December 11, 2019 .
  25. ^ Emmanuel d'Hooghvorst: Essai sur l'Art d'Alchymie . In: Les Cahiers trimestriels Inconnues , Pierre Genillard, Lausanne June 1951, number 5, pp. 3, 4.
  26. With regard to the Greek treatises, compare M. Berthelot: Collection des Alchimistes grecs , Georges Steinheil, Paris 1888 (the three volumes together make 1219 pages), or the volumes Les Alchimistes grecs , Les Belles Lettres, Paris, ISBN 2-251-00448 -3 | 2-251-00478-5. With regard to the Latin treatises, there are above all the Theatrum chemicum , Zetzner, Strasbourg 1659 (6 volumes) and the Bibliotheca chemica curiosa by Dr. Manget, Detournes & Co, Geneva, 1702 (the two volumes make 2242 pages). This list is far from exhaustive; see e.g. B. Jacques van Lennep, Alchimie , Crédit Communal de Belgique, Brussels 1984, 448 pp.
  27. ^ Claude Froidebise (translator): La Pierre Aqueuse de Sagesse ou l'Aquarium des Sages , La Table d'Émeraude, Paris 1989, ISBN 2-903965-14-5 , p. 8.
  28. Emmanuel d'Hoogvorst (translator): La Pierre de sagesse aqueuse ou l'Aquarium des Sages . In: Inconnues , number 11, Lausanne 1955, p. 89.
  29. See Didier Kahn, Introduction to: T. Vaughan: L'Art hermétique à découvert , J.-C. Bailly, Paris 1989, ISBN 2-86554-019-7 , p. 9. L'Art hermétique à découvert . Retrieved December 11, 2019 (French).
  30. Thomas Vaughan: Œuvres Complètes , La Table d'Émeraude, Saint-Leu-la-Forêt 1999, ISBN 2-903-965-50-1 , p. III.
  31. Pere Sánchez Ferré: El Caballero del oro fino , MRA, Barcelona 2002, ISBN 84-88865-69-4 , p. 5.
  32. Jean-Marie d'Ansembourg, Le Fil d'Ariane n ° 1, Walhain-St-Paul, Été 1977 . In: arca-librairie.com. Retrieved December 11, 2019 (French).
  33. Homepage. La Puerta, accessed December 11, 2019 .
  34. La Tourbe des Philosophes . In: skynet.be. Retrieved December 11, 2019 (French).
  35. Emmanuel D'Hooghvorst (1914-1999). In: BnF Data. Retrieved December 11, 2019 .
  36. ^ Raimon Arola: Alquimia y religious , Siruela, Madrid 2008, ISBN 978-84-9841-178-2 , p. 15.
  37. Raimon Arola: La Cábala y la Alquimia en la tradición espiritual de occidente , Olañeta, Palma de Mallorca 2002, ISBN 84-9716-178-5 , pp. 11, 14, 24 etc.
  38. Luisa Vert: Trece Fábulas alquímicas , Olañeta, Palma de Mallorca 2008, ISBN 978-84-9716-612-6 , p. 9.
  39. ^ Roger Ferrer Ventosa: Magica Belleza. El Pensamiento mágico como fundamento original de la teoría del arte , Universitat de Girona, Gerona 2018, p. 356.
  40. Mohammed Taleb: L'Ame du monde, point et cercle de convergence du sacré et de l'écologieItinérances bibliographiques . (PDF; 423 kB) trilogies.org, p. 6 , archived from the original on June 18, 2019 ; accessed on December 11, 2019 (original website no longer available).
  41. ^ Louis Cattiaux: Florilegio Epistolar, Reflejos de una busqueda alquímica . Arola Editors, Tarragona March 1999.
  42. Raimon Arola: Croire l'Incroyable, ou l'Ancien et le Nouveau dans l'histoire des Religions , Éditions Beya, Grez-Doiceau June 2006, ISBN 2-9600364-7-6 , pp. 239, 240.