Enzo Gaier

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Enzo Gaier (born June 5, 2002 in Vienna ) is an Austrian actor .


Enzo Gaier was born the first of five children. He learned the violin and sang in the children's choir of the Vienna Volksoper . He made his film debut in 2012 in the movie Das Pferd auf dem Balkon by director Hüseyin Tabak , in which he played the leading role alongside Nora Tschirner and Andreas Kiendl . For his portrayal of Mika, who suffers from Asperger's Syndrome , he was awarded the 2013 Golden Sparrow for best actor.

In 2013, he played her grandson Tobias in the television film Not without my grandson with Thekla Carola Wied as Franziska. In the silence after 2016 he played the role of the 14-year-old Felix Rome who commits a killing spree at his school. He played the role of Franzi in the ORF / ZDF home film series consisting of Die Fremde und das Dorf (2014) and A Secret in the Village - Sister and Brother (2016). In 2016 he stood in front of the camera for the third part of the battue in the village . In 2017 he shot for the ORF / ARD comedy film Dennstein & Schwarz - Die makes Erben . In the short film Der Ausflug he played the male lead alongside David Oberkogler , the film was shown on Diagonale in March 2018 .

His sister Zita Gaier (* 2006) is also an actress, she played the lead role in the 2016 film adaptation of the novel Maikäfer flieg! . His brother Lino Gaier has played the role of Patrick Meiberger in the television series Meiberger - In the head of the perpetrator since 2018 .

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b The horse on the balcony - Cast: Enzo Gaier ( Memento from January 14, 2015 in the Internet Archive ). Retrieved January 25, 2017.
  2. Kurier: "... and then I was allowed to scream for 20 seconds!" . Article of November 16, 2012, accessed on January 25, 2017.
  3. derStandard.at: How Enzo got into the cinema . Article of December 17, 2012, accessed on January 25, 2017.
  4. orf.at: Not without my grandson . Retrieved January 25, 2017.
  5. orf.at: Shooting of the third part of the ORF / ZDF home film series "Battleship in the Village" . Retrieved January 25, 2017.
  6. Diagonale 2018: The excursion . Retrieved March 2, 2018.
  7. Kurier: Nöstlinger film adaptation: Our laughter was really taken away . Article from February 25, 2016, accessed on January 27, 2017.