Erasmus Reinhold

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Erasmus Reinhold (born October 22, 1511 in Saalfeld / Saale ; † February 19, 1553 ibid) was a German astrologer , astronomer and mathematician . He is one of the first advocates of the Copernican worldview and developed it further. He can therefore be seen as the link between Copernicus and Kepler.


Reinhold had been trained at the University of Wittenberg since the winter semester 1530/31 and was also rector there. In 1535 he became a master of the seven liberal arts and on April 30, 1536 he was accepted into the senate of the philosophical faculty. In 1536 he received a professorship for higher mathematics from Philipp Melanchthon , similar to Rheticus . Reinhold identified and described a large number of stars. He had also participated in the organizational tasks of the university. In the winter semester 1540/41 and in the summer semester 1549 he was dean of the philosophical faculty and in the winter semester WS 1549/50 he was rector of the alma mater .

He used the teachings of Nicolaus Copernicus in a moderately pragmatic way . He was supported by Duke Albrecht von Brandenburg-Ansbach , who financed the printing of the Prussian panels , from where they got their name. These astronomical tables helped to make the Copernican system known throughout the German Empire and beyond. Reinhold was known for his accurate readings. It is significant that Tycho Brahe was so interested in Reinhold's measurements that Reinhold himself went to Saalfeld to see Reinhold.

In 1582 the calculations of Copernicus and the Prussian tables were used as the basis for the Gregorian calendar reform .

The Leipzig University Library is keeping an extensive collection of horoscopes from his estate .

The lunar crater Reinhold is named after him. In his hometown of Saalfeld a high school and a street are named after him.


  • Prutenicae tabulae coelestium motuum. Wittenberg 1551, Tübingen 1574, Wittenberg 1584
  • Primus liber tabularum directioum, accedunt canon foecundus ad singular scrupula quadrantis propagates et nova tabula climatum, parallellorum et urbrarum et appendix canonum secundi libri directionum qui in Regimontani opera desiderantur. Tuebingen 1554
  • Theoricae novae planetarum, figures et scholiis auctae. Wittenberg 1542, Paris 1543, Wittenberg 1580
  • Thorough, true report from the field mass ... Erfurt 1574


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