Erich Volkmar von Berlepsch

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Erich Volkmar von Berlepsch (* around 1525; † August 26, 1589 in Roßla ) was chief judge in Leipzig and chief captain in Thuringia.


Berlepsch studied in Marburg , Leipzig and Wittenberg . He continued his studies in Italy for four years , spent a year in France and traveled to different countries. Returning from his travels, he became a councilor to the Elector August of Saxony and was assessor at the Imperial Court of Justice in Speyer for six years .

In 1562 he became captain of Thuringia in Salza and assessor at the Oberhofgericht in Leipzig . As the first-born son of Sittig von Berlepsch, he succeeded him as Treasurer of Hesse.

In 1563/64 Berlepsch took part in peace negotiations in Rostock . These had been convened to end the armed conflicts between Sweden , Poland-Lithuania , Denmark and Russia for supremacy in the Baltic Sea region , but were fruitless. Berlepsch was entered on an honorary basis in the register of the University of Rostock in September 1563 and, like other participants in the negotiations, was therefore subject to the University of Jurisprudence for the duration of his stay .

From 1567 to 1576 Berlepsch had to take care of Anna of Saxony (1544–1577) , the niece of Elector August, who had been under house arrest in Nassau-Dillenburg since 1571 . One of his last assignments in this matter, dated November 15, 1575, consisted of picking up Anna together with Captain Wolf Bosen in Beilstein and bringing her to Saxony, where August "bricked" her up due to her health wanted to bring barred rooms. At the same time Anna's former legal advisor and lover Jan Rubens was supposed to be kidnapped from Siegen and brought to a "silent end"

Berlepsch married Lucretia von Schleinitz on February 2, 1563 , but left no heirs. He died at the Wasserburg Roßla, which had come into his possession as a pledge through the indebtedness of the Counts of Stolberg .


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Hans Kruse : Wilhelm von Oranien and Anna von Sachsen. A princely marriage tragedy of the 16th century. In: Nassauische Annalen, 54, 1934, pp. 1–134, here p. 130.