Ernest Ginsburger

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Ernest Ginsburger (around 1930)

Ernest Ginsburger ( 15. April 1876 in Héricourt - 14. February 1943 in the Auschwitz concentration camp ) was a French rabbi and Chief Rabbi in Geneva , Brussels and Bayonne .


Ginsburger came from a Jewish family from Alsace . After finishing school in Lunéville , he studied from 1894 to 1900 at the Séminaire israélite de France (SIF) in Paris and at the Sorbonne . After unsuccessful applications for rabbi positions in Dijon , Lyon , Remiremont and other places, Ginsburger became Grand Rabbi in Geneva in 1908. During the First World War he interrupted this job to work as a field rabbi in the French army.

On February 17, 1919, he married Germaine Zivy (born 1894; died 1928) in Paris, with whom he had two sons. On March 30, 1924, Ginsburger took up the post of Grand Rabbi in Brussels.

In 1929 he became Grand Rabbi in Bayonne with responsibility for the Landes and Pyrénées-Atlantiques departments .

In March 1942, Ernest Ginsburger was arrested by the Gestapo in Bayonne. He was accused of having been involved in conspiracies against the German Reich . After he was trapped in a camp in Compiègne , Ginsburger was deported via the Drancy assembly camp on February 11, 1943 with convoy No. 47 to Auschwitz , where he was murdered.

In 1983 a street in Bayonne was named after Ernest Ginsburger.

Works (selection)

  • With Moïse Ginsburger : Contribution à l'histoire des Juifs d'Alsace pendant la Terreur . 1903
  • Histoire des Juifs de Carouge. Juifs du Léman et de Genève . Paris 1923
  • Divorce civil, répudiation judaïque . Librairie Lipschutz, Paris 1932
  • La Méthode juive d'abatage aux points de vue religieux, scientifique et historique . 1932
  • Les Juifs de Belgique au XVIIIe . 1932
  • Leibele Hirsch. Contes . Librairie Lipschutz, Paris 1934
  • Grammaire hébraïque: éléments, analyzes, vocabulaire français-hébreu . 1935
  • Les Juifs de Peyrehorade . Vuibert, Paris 1938

Awards (selection)


  • Dictionnaire biographique des rabbins et autres ministres du culte israélite. France et Algérie, du Grand Sanhédrin (1807) à la loi de Séparation (1905) . Berg International Éditeurs, Paris 2007, ISBN 978-2-911289-97-2 , pp. 303-305.