Ernst Erich Noth

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Ernst Erich Noth (pseudonym since 1931, real name Paul Albert Krantz) (born February 25, 1909 in Berlin ; † January 15, 1983 in Bensheim ) was a German writer and literary scholar .


Paul Krantz grew up in an apartment building in Berlin-Mariendorf ; his stepfather, the musician Karl-Heinz Krantz, gave the illegitimate child his name. Because of his extraordinary talent, in 1919 he was given a free position in the secondary school in Mariendorf, today's Eckener grammar school . As a student he was temporarily a member of the " Young German Order ". In 1927 he was involved in the “ Steglitz school tragedy ”. He was detained for eight months and tried in 1928. Consulted reviewers included Magnus Hirschfeld , Eduard Spranger and Arnolt Bronnen . The huge press hype associated with the case earned him unpleasant early fame. After he was acquitted of the charge of murder, he finished his school education at the Odenwald School in Heppenheim .

From 1929 Krantz studied German at the University of Frankfurt , where he belonged to the “Red Student Group”. At the same time he became a freelancer for the " Frankfurter Zeitung " and wrote poems and narrative texts. In 1933 he was expelled from the university for “communist activities” and refused to do his doctorate in Frankfurt am Main: Although the written doctoral thesis was available, the National Socialist rulers forbade him to take the oral examination. Krantz then emigrated to France in March 1933.

At first he worked under the pseudonym "Ernst Erich Noth" already used in Germany on various Parisian literary magazines and published several works in French. Later he went to the south of France, where he was editor of the magazine " Cahiers du Sud " until 1940 . In May 1939, the National Socialists revoked his German citizenship and his works were blacklisted by the Reichsschrifttumskammer . In 1939 and 1940 Noth was temporarily interned ; after the German occupation of France he lived underground for a year . In 1941 he managed to escape to the USA with American help .

In the United States, Ernst Erich Noth was director of the German-language radio program of the National Broadcasting Company from 1942 to 1948 . In 1948 he became a US citizen , now officially under the name "Ernst Erich Noth". From 1949 to 1959 he published the literary magazine " Books Abroad ", at the same time he was professor of modern languages and literary studies at various American universities, including the University of Oklahoma and Marquette University ( Milwaukee ). In 1963 he returned to Europe. In France he worked as a publishing editor and lecturer at the universities of Aix-en-Provence , Marseille and Paris . From 1970 he lived in Germany again. The Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main awarded him the doctorate he had been denied in 1933 , and Noth taught there until 1980, most recently as an honorary professor .


  • The tenements. Novel young people. Frankfurt am Main 1931, Frauenfeld 1982, Frankfurt am Main 2003
  • The figure of the young person in the German novel of the post-war period . Unprinted dissertation 1933. Published in Frankfurt 1971, 2001
  • La tragédie de la jeunesse allemande. Translated by Paul Genty. Paris 1934 (German first edition 2002)
  • The loner. Guggenbühl & Huber Schweizer-Spiegel Verlag, Zurich 1936.
    • Un Homme a Part. Translated by A.-E. Sernin. Plon, Paris 1936
  • La voie barrée. Paris 1937
  • L'homme contre le partisan. Paris 1938
  • Le désert. Paris 1939
  • L'Allemagne exile en France. Paris 1939
  • La guerre pourrie. New York et al. 1942
  • Ponts sur le Rhin. New York 1947
  • Mémoire aux Américains. New York et al. 1947
  • Russes et Prussiens. New York 1948
  • The contemporary German novel. Milwaukee, Wisc. 1961
  • Le passé nu. Paris 1965
  • Mémoires d'un Allemand , Paris, 1970
  • Memories of a German. Hamburg et al. 1971
  • Path of no return. Frauenfeld 1982
  • The tragedy of the German youth. Frankfurt am Main 2002
  • Jup and Adolf. Frankfurt am Main 2003
  • Road closed. Frankfurt am Main 2006
  • The new German Struwwelpeter. Verses for the politically more mature youth. Frankfurt am Main 2007
  • Paul and Marie. Frankfurt am Main 2008
  • Memories of a German · The German Years. (First complete edition based on the original manuscript), Frankfurt am Main 2009
  • Memories of a German · The French Years. (First complete edition based on the original manuscript), Bensheim an der Bergstrasse 2011
  • German Writers in Exile 1933–1979 - Introduction to Exile Literature. Bensheim an der Bergstrasse 2012


  • Uwe Meier:  Noth, Ernst Erich. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 19, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1999, ISBN 3-428-00200-8 , p. 358 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Martin Lindner: Life in the Crisis: Zeitromane der neue Sachlichkeit and the intellectual mentality of classical modernism, with an exemplary analysis of the novels by Arnolt Bronnen, Ernst Glaeser, Ernst von Salomon and Ernst Erich Noth. Metztler, Stuttgart / Weimar 1994, ISBN 3 -476-00996-3 (Dissertation University of Munich 1995, 414 pages).

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