Archdiocese of Owando

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Archdiocese of Owando

Map of the Archdiocese of Owando
Basic data
Country Republic of the Congo
Diocesan bishop Victor Abagna Mossa
founding 1950
surface 75,450 km²
Parishes 22 (May 30, 2020)
Residents 464,200 (May 30, 2020)
Catholics 338,000 (May 30, 2020)
proportion of 72.8%
Diocesan priest 59 (May 30, 2020)
Religious priest 5 (May 30, 2020)
Catholics per priest 5,281
Friars 24 (May 30, 2020)
Religious sisters 30 (May 30, 2020)
rite Roman rite
Liturgical language French
cathedral Cathédrale Saint-Firmin
Suffragan dioceses Diocese of Impfondo
Diocese of Ouesso

The Archdiocese of Owando ( Latin Archidioecesis Ouandoensis , French archidiocèse d'Owando ) is in the Republic of Congo situated Roman Catholic Archdiocese based in Owando .


The diocese of Owando was on December 21, 1950 by Pope Pius XII. Established from the cession of territory by the Apostolic Vicariate Brazzaville as the Apostolic Vicariate Fort-Rousset . On September 14, 1955, the Vicariate Apostolic Fort-Rousset was by Pius XII. raised to a diocese with the Apostolic Constitution Dum tantis and subordinated to the Archdiocese of Brazzaville as a suffragan . The diocese of Fort-Rousset was renamed on December 3, 1977 in the Diocese of Owando . The diocese of Owando gave on June 6, 1983 parts of its territory to establish the diocese of Ouesso . It lost part of its territory on February 22, 2013 in favor of the establishment of the Gamboma diocese .

Pope Francis raised the diocese of Owando to the rank of archbishopric and metropolitan seat on May 30, 2020 with the suffragan dioceses Impfondo and Ouesso .


Vicars Apostolic of Fort-Rousset

Bishops of Fort-Rousset

Bishops of Owando

Archbishops of Owando

  • Victor Abagna Mossa, since 2020


year population priest Permanent deacons Religious Parishes
Catholics Residents % Total number Diocesan priest Religious priest Catholics per priest Friars Religious sisters
1970 71,764 290.278 24.7 31 10 21st 2,314 25th 18th
1980 77,067 271,000 28.4 26th 9 17th 2,964 22nd 38 14th
1987 71,457 246.127 29.0 23 14th 9 3,106 11 32 14th
1999 230,700 525,000 43.9 26th 19th 7th 8,873 20th 40 23
2000 250,600 525,000 47.7 30th 21st 9 8,353 24 38 24
2001 135,000 243,946 55.3 51 42 9 2,647 19th 37 19th
2002 250,600 525,000 47.7 32 23 9 7,831 16 38 24
2003 320,750 525,000 61.1 35 26th 9 9,164 16 44 24
2004 250,756 525,000 47.8 38 32 6th 6,598 1 13 36 24
2013 290,000 400,000 72.5 37 32 5 7,837 1 12 24 15th

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b erezione della Provincia Ecclesiastica di Owando (Repubblica del Congo) e del primo nouns Arcivescovo Metropolita. In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , May 30, 2020, accessed May 30, 2020 (Italian).
  2. ^ Pius XII: Const. Apost. Dum tantis , AAS 48 (1956), n.3, p. 113ff.