Archeparchy of Beirut

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Archeparchy of Beirut
Basic data
Rite church Maronite Church
Country Lebanon
Metropolitan bishopric Beirut
Diocesan bishop Paul Abdel Sater (appointed)
Emeritus diocesan bishop Paul Youssef Matar
Parishes 127 (2010)
Residents 1,200,000 ( 1970 )
Catholics 237,500 (2010)
proportion of 23.4%
Diocesan priest 126 (2010)
Religious priest 30 (2010)
Catholics per priest 1,522
Friars 32 (2010)
Religious sisters 169 (2010)
rite Antiochian rite
Liturgical language Syrian
cathedral Cathédrale Maronite St. Georges
address Archeveche Maronite
10 Rue College de la Sagesse
5545 Achrafieh

The archeparchy Beirut ( lat. : Archieparchia Botryensis Maronitarum ) is the Roman Catholic Church Uniate archeparchy in Lebanon . Archbishop of the Archeparch is Paul Youssef Matar .


The Maronite Archeparchy of Beirut was established under canon law in 1577. It is located in the city of the same name, Beirut , and is also the capital of Lebanon. According to the statistical information from 2006, there are around 240,000 Maronite Christians living in the Archeparchy . They celebrate their worship in Syriac in the Antiochian Rite .

Maronite Archbishops of Beirut

See also

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