Archeparchy Zahlé and Furzol

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Archeparchy Zahlé and Furzol
Basic data
Rite church Melkite Greek Catholic Church
Country Lebanon
Ecclesiastical province Immediate
Diocesan bishop Issam John Darwich BS
Parishes 36 (December 31, 2014 / AP2015 )
Catholics 150,000 (December 31, 2014 / AP2015 )
Diocesan priest 10 (December 31, 2014 / AP2015 )
Religious priest 25 (December 31, 2014 / AP2015 )
Catholics per priest 4,286
Permanent deacons 2 (December 31, 2014 / AP2015 )
Friars 25 (December 31, 2014 / AP2015 )
Religious sisters 38 (December 31, 2014 / AP2015 )
rite Byzantine rite
Liturgical language Arabic
Website [1]

The archeparchy Zahle and Furzol ( lat. : Archieparchia Mariamnensis Graecorum Melkitarum ) is in Lebanon located archeparchy the Melkite Greek Catholic Church , based in Zahle .


The diocese of Furzol was founded in the 4th century by the holy Archbishop Berdanos . Today's "Archparchy Zahlé and Furzol" was established in 1724 as the eparchy Zahlé and Furzol . In 1727 the bishopric was moved from Furzol to Zahlé . Archbishop Eftimios Fadel , who was in office around 1727, declared unity with the Latin Church in Rome for himself and his diocese and recognized the Pope as head of the Eastern Churches . He was also the builder of the cathedral at Zahlé, in 1774 the name of the "Eparchy of Zahlé and Furzol" was added to "Zahlé and Furzol and the whole of Bakaa" , the historical name of which it still carries today. On November 18, 1964, the eparchy Zahlé and Furzol by Pope Paul VI. raised to an arch parish.

Geographical location

The area of ​​the diocese extends largely over the Bekaa governorate and has about 450,000 inhabitants, of which approximately 110,000 are Christians of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church.


Bishops of the Zahlé and Furzol eparchy

Archbishops of the Zahlé and Furzol Archeparchies

See also

Web links