Eugen Baum (banker)

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Eugen Baum (born December 23, 1902 in Alzey ; died September 4, 1986 ) was a German banker and honorary consul of Panama .


Eugen tree was at the time of the Empire Germans of the 20th century beginning in a Jewish family, the son of the ironmonger Louis Tree III and Minna in Rheinhessen born

During the Weimar Republic , Baum worked in the Reich Finance Administration. After the National Socialists seized power in 1933 , Baum was also a target of the persecution of Jews . First he was his position as Councilor relieved. In 1936 his parents moved from Antoniterstrasse in Alzey to live with him in Berlin. During the Second World War the mayor of Alzey rejected Baum's request for a birth certificate to be issued. Nevertheless, Baum finally managed to escape National Socialist Germany . As a result, he lived for a few years as a Jewish emigrant in Shanghai .

In the post-war period , Baum was personally liable partner of the Rudolf Löhr bank, which was then located at Luisenstrasse 8/9 in Hanover .

In 1965, the German government issued the exequatur to Eugen Baum, who was the consul of choice for the South American state of Panama .

On August 29, 1966 the son and future entrepreneur Gregor Baum was born to the private banker in Hanover .

In the first half of the 1970s, Eugen Baum and other former residents of Alzey traveled as participants to the memorial service for the Jewish fellow citizens on September 30, 1973 in the music hall of the state advanced high school in Alzey .

Persuaded by his son Gregor to buy his own race horse , Eugen Baum won as a horse racer in Dortmund on the horse racing track there on his thoroughbred “Sand”. In honor of the tree with his time was 20,000 in 1992, for example, DM -listed consul Eugen Tree Memorial Race organized.

Archival material

Archival materials by and about Eugen Baum can be found, for example, in correspondence with Consul Baum / Bankhaus Rudolf Löhr 1961-1963 in the Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People Jerusalem (CAHJP)

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e o. V .: Baum, Eugen in the database of Niedersächsische Personen ( new entry required ) of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Library - Lower Saxony State Library [undated], last accessed on January 2, 2020
  2. ^ Waldemar R. Röhrbein : 1986 , in: Hannover Chronik , p. 296ff .; here: p. 298
  3. a b Rudolf Klein : Baum, Eugen , in ders .: Niedersachsenlexikon . Everything you need to know about the state of Lower Saxony , Frankfurt am Main: Umschau-Verlag, 1969, p. 22
  4. a b c Dieter Hoffmann: Leben auf Abruf , in which: "... we are Germans." On the history and fate of the rural Jews in Rheinhessen (= Alzeyer history sheets , special issue, volume 14), at the same time dissertation in 1940 at the university Cologne, Alzey: Verlag der Rheinhessische Druckwerkstätte, 1992, ISBN 978-3-87854-087-8 and ISBN 3-87854-087-6 , pp. 306–328; here: p. 322; limited preview in Google Book search
  5. ^ Address book for directors and supervisory boards: 1955 , p. 94
  6. ^ Bulletin of the Federal Government's Press and Information Office , issues 1–119, Bonn: Deutscher Bundes-Verlag, 1956, p. 58
  7. Ulrich Eggert (text), Joachim Giesel (photo): Gregor Baum , in Tigo Zeyen, Anne Weber-Ploemacher (ed.): 100 hannoversche Köpfe , Hameln: CW Niemeyer Buchverlage GmbH, 2006, ISBN 978-3-8271-9251 -6 and ISBN 3-8271-9251-X , pp. 18f.
  8. Alzeyer Geschichtsblätter , Volumes 6-10, Verlag der Rheinhessische Druckwerkstätte, 1969, p. 35; limited preview in Google Book search
  9. Sven Wissen: In conversation with Gregor Baum (interview), in: 125 years Hannoverscher Rennverein eV 1867-1992. Anniversary commemoration. Self-published, Hanover 1992, pp. 84-85
  10. ^ Illustration of the racing poster from 1992 in 125 Years of the Hannoverscher Rennverein ... , p. 72
  11. ^ Information from the central archive on the page [ undated ], last accessed on January 2, 2020