Five-star guys included

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Original title Five-star guys included
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2006
length 90 minutes
Director Vivian Naefe
script Vivian Naefe
production Regina Ziegler
Nanni heirs
music Enjott Schneider
camera Peter Döttling
cut Christian Nauheimer

5-star guys included is a German comedy film by Vivian Naefe , which premiered on television in 2006. The script is based on the novel of the same name by Gaby Hauptmann . The leading roles are cast with Katharina Wackernagel and Gila von Weitershausen , leading roles with Dieter Landuris , Filip Peeters , Franz Buchrieser and Maximilian Brückner .


The young supermarket cashier Katrin suffers from a "Robin Hood complex", as her aunt Ruth puts it, which causes her to selflessly step into the breach for other people. Although she would like to study law, she doesn't really have the confidence to do so. When her aunt Ruth's second-hand shop goes bankrupt and she wins a ski week in Zürs am Arlberg for one person in a competition, Katrin simply invites her aunt to come with her. Ruth, not knowing that her niece will have to pay for her stay in the five-star hotel "Edelweiß" out of her own pocket, agrees and the two women travel to Austria together.

On the very first day, the two women meet a group of four apparently wealthy men who begin to flirt with Katrin quite aggressively. Especially the PR agent Gerhard and the married Jan vie for the young woman's favor. The bartender Julian also has an eye on them. For the time being, however, Katrin eludes any advances. Ruth, who actually doesn't feel like having men anymore after her separation from her husband, meets the supposed salesman Werner in a sports shop, who is charmingly courting her. At night, Katrin keeps finding sheets of paper with poems that a stranger pushes under the door. Meanwhile, Julian overhears the four men who are busily discussing a bet whose content is probably to sleep with Katrin. He jealously tries to warn Katrin, but she doesn't believe him.

After Gerhard is “saved” by his beloved after a small skiing accident, he gives her flowers and an expensive necklace. In front of Ruth, Katrin wonders if she is about to fall in love with one of the men. There is a falling out with the aunt when she makes it clear that she does not believe in the serious intentions of the men. Ruth goes up to Werner, only to find that Werner is actually the owner of the sports chain. After a short period of thought, however, she lets herself into him. On the hunt for the author of the poems inserted at night, Katrin is harassed at night by Jan, whom she can hardly keep away from her body. Gerhard breaks two ribs during the violent courtship dance around Katrin. Frustrated, he confesses to her that the four men actually lure a girl up the mountain for a bet once a year with a competition. Sobered, Katrin decides not to bother with them any longer and instead goes skiing with Julian. But when Matthias, one of the four men, becomes pushy, Katrin is finally fed up. She gives away a "captured" bracelet to a chambermaid and lures all four men into the ski cellar, where she is already waiting with the camera, with the promise of a hot night in boxer shorts. The next morning, however, the gentlemen smugly make it clear that they will not be disturbed by it, which takes away Katrin's joy in her revenge a little. She meets with Julian and admits that she wants to study law after all. However, when she gropes in a faux pas, she flees, embarrassed.

Shortly after his departure, Katrin receives a call from Jan, who asks her to bring her a forgotten suitcase with his laptop to Zurich and to promise her another week of vacation at his expense. Out of sheer curiosity, Katrin cracks the combination lock and is horrified to find that there is no computer in the suitcase, but five million euros in cash. She realizes that the men had hinted at their involvement in money laundering all week long and that they now want to abuse her as messengers. She lets Ruth, who wants to stay with Werner for the time being, believe that she will hand over the money to the police and instead sets off for Zurich. However, she does not want to give Jan back the entire amount, but blackmails him for a "finder's fee" of 500,000 euros. Ruth senses the coup and follows her niece, prevents her from handing it over and instead takes it over herself in Werner's car. Relieved, the two women meet for a coffee. After Katrin gave her astonished aunt half of the finder's fee for her new start in Zürs, she too has a surprise ready: Julian is waiting for Katrin in front of the café. The two kiss happily. Ruth opens a fashion store in Zürs.


“The film is not structured in a particularly complicated way and is rather sluggishly staged, but it manages to create a delightful winter atmosphere. The plot and dialogues are thoroughly believable and realistic, which makes them stand out from the American-style love comedy. The acting is impeccable and the score is unusually catchy and quick. "

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Individual evidence

  1. Five-star guys included. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed March 2, 2017 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used