F. Springer

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F. Springer (actually: Carel Jan Schneider ; born January 15, 1932 in Batavia , † November 7, 2011 in The Hague ) was a Dutch writer and diplomat .


Carel Jan Schneider was born as the son of a German teacher in the Dutch East Indies . During the Japanese occupation in World War II, he spent time in an internment camp. In 1946 the family returned to the Netherlands, where Schneider attended school in Rotterdam and The Hague . He later studied law in Leiden . From 1958 to 1961 he held a post in the administration of Dutch New Guinea . In the following years Schneider was a diplomat at the Dutch representations in New York , Brussels , Dhaka , Tehran and Strasbourg . At the end of the 1980s he was the Dutch ambassador in East Berlin on his last post abroad .

Since 1989 he has lived as a freelance writer in The Hague. He used the pseudonym F. Springer for his work .

Publications (selection)

For bougainville he received the Ferdinand Bordewijk Prize in 1982 and the Constantijn Huygensprijs in 1995 for his life's work.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. German: The smooth pole of power. A political legend.
  2. ^ German: Business overseas.
  3. German: Star Sea. A romance.
  4. German: Teheran, a swan song.
  5. German: Wehmut and Desire
  6. German: Everything lied: memory as a beautiful story
  7. German: Far paradises