Pale-thigh panty hummingbird

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Pale-thigh panty hummingbird
Class : Birds (aves)
Order : Sailor birds (Apodiformes)
Family : Hummingbirds (Trochilidae)
Tribe : Coeligini
Genre : Haplophaedia
Type : Pale-thigh panty hummingbird
Scientific name
Haplophaedia assimilis
( Elliot, DG , 1876)

The hummingbird hummingbird ( Haplophaedia assimilis ) is a species of bird from the hummingbird family (Trochilidae), which is found in Peru and Bolivia . The IUCN assesses the population as Least Concern .


The pale-thigh hummingbird reaches a body length of about 9 to 10 cm and a weight of 5.0 to 6.0 g. Both sexes are similar. The beak is straight and black. The entire plumage is dark green. The tufts of feathers on the legs are pale cream-colored yellow-brown to whitish. The blue-black tail is slightly forked. Young animals resemble fully grown specimens, but have brown fringes on the head and neck feathers.

Behavior and nutrition

The pale-legged hummingbird gets its nectar from smaller groups of plants. It is considered a territorial hummingbird whose foraging territory is usually in the middle of some flowering bushes. He collects the insects from leaves, hunting for them in flight is rather atypical.


The singing of the pale-thigh hummingbird consists of individual quirky tsuk ... tsuk ... tsuk ... tones, which it emits at a frequency of 1.5 to 2 tones per second. Occasionally he sprinkles two tones that sound like tsi-tsuk . The singing is similar to that of the shiny copper panty hummingbird , but a bit faster. In addition, his lute contains dry rattling and a few chattering tones, which he utters in series.


The clutch of the pale-thigh hummingbird consists of two white eggs. The incubation is carried out exclusively by the female. Otherwise no further data on the bird's breeding biology are available.

distribution and habitat

Distribution area of ​​the pale thigh hummingbird

The pale-legged hummingbird prefers the undergrowth of moist pre-montane forests and forest edges at altitudes of 1500 to 3000 meters. However, he seldom travels over 2500 meters. The nominate form can be found on the eastern slopes of southern Peru in the Cusco region to central Bolivia in the Cochabamba department . The subspecies occurs in the eastern Andes of northern and central Peru in the Amazon region to the Huánuco region. It is also found in the Cerros del Sira in the Ucayali region.


The pale-thigh panty hummingbird is believed to be a seasonal line bird that occasionally migrates to the more temperate zones.


There are two known subspecies:

  • Haplophaedia assimilis affinis ( Taczanowski , 1884) occurs in northern and central Peru. The subspecies looks a bit darker overall. The tail is bluish and the tufts of feathers are pale reddish brown.
  • Haplophaedia assimilis assimilis ( Elliot, DG , 1876) is common in southeastern Peru and western Bolivia.

Etymology and history of research

The first description of Fahl leg panties hummingbirds carried out in 1876 by Daniel Giraud Elliot under the scientific name Eriocnemis assimilis . The type specimen was collected by Clarence Buckley in Bolivia. In 1918 Eugène Simon introduced the new genus Haplophaedia for the shiny copper panty hummingbird. This name is derived from the Greek words »haploos ἁπλοος « for »pure, simple« and »phaidros φαιδρος « for »shiny, radiant«. The species name "assimilis" is the Latin word for "similar, equal", as Elliot recognized a similarity to the copper-gloss hummingbird with panties. "Affinis" is the Latin word for "in relationship, related, neighborly".


  • Iris Heynen, Peter Boesman in: Josep del Hoyo , Andrew Elliott, Jordi Sargatal , David Andrew Christie , Eduardo de Juana: Buff-thighed Puffleg (Haplophaedia assimilis) in Handbook of the Birds of the World Alive . Lynx Edicions, Barcelona.
  • James A. Jobling: Helm Dictionary of Scientific Bird Names . Christopher Helm, London 2010, ISBN 978-1-4081-2501-4 .
  • Daniel Giraud Elliot: Description d'un Eriocnemis nouveau Oiseau-Mouche provenant de Bolivia . In: Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France . tape 1 , 1876, p. 227 ( ).
  • Władysław Taczanowski: Ornithologie du Pérou . tape 1 . Typography Oberthur, Rennes 1884 ( ).
  • Eugène Louis Simon: Notice sur les Travaux Scientifiques . Imprimerie et Lithographie M. Villain et M. Bar, Paris 1918.

Web links

Commons : Haplophaedia assimilis ( Haplophaedia assimilis )  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Iris Heynen u. a.
  2. ^ IOC World Bird List Hummingbirds
  3. ^ Władysław Taczanowski, p. 396.
  4. ^ A b Daniel Giraud Elliot, p. 227.
  5. Eugène Louis Simon, p. 39.
  6. James A. Jobling, p. 186
  7. James A. Jobling p. 57.
  8. James A. Jobling p. 35.