Fahrabach ( village ) locality cadastral municipality Fahrabach |
Basic data | ||
Pole. District , state | Lilienfeld (LF), Lower Austria | |
Judicial district | Lily field | |
Pole. local community | Ramsau | |
Coordinates | 48 ° 0 '18 " N , 15 ° 49' 41" E | |
height | 506 m above sea level A. | |
Residents of the village | 17 (January 1, 2020) | |
Area d. KG | 3.76 km² | |
Statistical identification | ||
Locality code | 04431 | |
Cadastral parish number | 19004 | |
Source: STAT : index of places ; BEV : GEONAM ; NÖGIS |
Fahrabach is a village and a cadastral municipality in the municipality of Ramsau in the Lilienfeld district in Lower Austria .
Settlement development
At the turn of the year 1979/1980 there were a total of 10 building areas with 8,691 m² and 12 gardens on 71,847 m² in the cadastral municipality of Fahrabach , in 1989/1990 there were 10 building areas. In 1999/2000 the number of building areas had grown to 26 and in 2009/2010 there were 19 buildings on 26 building areas.
Land use
The cadastral community is characterized by agriculture. 76 hectares were used for agriculture at the turn of the year 1979/1980 and 291 hectares were forest areas. In 1999/2000, 76 hectares were used for agriculture and 294 hectares were designated as forest areas. At the end of 2018, 74 hectares were used as agricultural land and forestry was carried out on 292 hectares. The average floor climate of Fahrabach is 26.2 (as of 2010).