Felix Philipp

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Felix Philipp (born March 4, 1868 in Hirschberg , † March 8, 1933 in Breslau ) was a German trade unionist and social democratic politician .


Philipp worked as an iron turner until 1901 . He was unable to work due to an occupational accident. He had been chairman of the local branch of the German Metalworkers' Association in Hirschberg since 1898 . From 1902 until his death he was a full-time functionary of the organization in Breslau. There he was Philipp from 1910 to 1919 a member of the city council. He was also the chairman of the local union cartel from 1915 to 1919 .

In the November Revolution he was from November 1918 to April 1919 Chairman of the Central People's Council for the Province of Silesia . He was also a member of the Prussian state assembly in 1919 . He was then President of the Province of Silesia and, after the division into Upper and Lower Silesia, in the same function in the Province of Lower Silesia . After the Kapp Putsch in March 1920, he was dismissed because he had not opposed the putschists energetically enough.

After the beginning of the National Socialist rule he was shot on March 8, 1933 when the SA attacked the Wroclaw trade union building.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Heinrich August Winkler: From the revolution to stabilization. Workers and the labor movement in the Weimar Republic 1918 to 1924 Berlin and Bonn 1984, ISBN 3-8012-0093-0 , p. 323.