Ferdinand Franz Maria Bouget

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Ferdinand Franz Maria von Bouget (born February 9, 1741 in Aachen , † November 23, 1818 in Vienna ) was the imperial-royal major general and temporarily commandant of the imperial cavalry regiment No. 14 .


In 1768 he was named Ferdinand v. Bouget already mentioned as Rittmeister . Further promotions followed in 1788 to major , 1791 to lieutenant colonel and finally in 1793 he was promoted to colonel and was appointed regimental commander .

On March 18, 1793 he led the cuirassier regiment Nassau-Usingen under the last Imperial and Royal Field Marshal Prince Friedrich Josias von Sachsen-Coburg-Saalfeld in the battle of Neer winds as well as in the battles at Valenciennes , Le Quesnoy and Avesnes-le -Sec . The victory over the French under Charles-François Dumouriez in the battle of Neer winds resulted in the evacuation of what is now Belgium by the French .

On August 19, 1794 (with rank of December 17, 1794) Ferdinand von Bouget was released as major general in retirement.


Ferdinand Bouget comes from the highly respected and influential Aachen family Bouget (also Bougy / Bougie / Bougee / Bougé). He was the tenth child of the Electoral Cologne born Hofkammerrats and Rentmeister's Henri Francois Bouget in Aachen and was the grandson of the citizens of Aachen captain Jacques Bouget.

His sister Maria Magdalena Therese married the English admiral Sir Charles Knowles in 1750 , who built and led the Russian fleet for the war against the Turks after he left the Royal Navy . Another sister, Maria Christine Josefine, was the lover of the Liège prince-bishop Franz Karl von Velbrück (Charles-Francois Velbrück) and in 1758 she married the Liège lawyer Nicolas Mathieu de Grailet, who later became mayor of Liège. His brother, the Electoral Cologne Chamber Councilor Klemens August Bouget, became Vogt of Odenkirchen (today part of Mönchengladbach - Rheydt ) in 1779 and two other brothers are mentioned as canons of Liège.


  • Imperial and kk generals (1618–1815) . Dr. Antonio Schmidt-Brentano, Austrian State Archives, 2006, p. 14,

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