Ferenc Kárpáti

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Ferenc Kárpáti (born October 16, 1926 in Putnok , Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén county ; † September 27, 2013 ) was a Hungarian colonel general and politician of the party of the Hungarian working people MDP (Magyar Dolgozók Pártja) and finally the Hungarian Socialist Workers Party MSZMP (Magyar Szocialista Munkáspárt) , who was Minister for National Defense between 1985 and 1990.


Karpati, whose father worked as a shoemaker and factory workers in 1944 took employment as laborers in the mining company Bányaipari Építő Vállalat in his native commune Putnok and in 1945 joined the Communist Party KMP (Kommunisták Magyarországi partja) and secretary of the Hungarian Democratic Youth Federation MADISZ (Magyar Democrat Ifjúsági Szövetség) in Borsod county . Subsequently, in 1947 he became an employee of the management department of the KMP in Borsod County and of the Hungarian Working People's Party (Magyar Dolgozók Pártja), which emerged from the KMP in 1948 .

After three months of officer training at the Military Academy of the Army Lajos Kossuth Karpati in 1948 to lieutenant promoted and then served until 1951 at the Officers School of Infantry in Pécs . After further training at the military policy department of the artillery school, he became deputy commander and head of the political administration of a brigade in 1953 . In 1955 he began further training at the Lenin Military Political Academy , which he had to break off in October 1956 because of the popular uprising .

After Kárpáti was an employee of the Ministry of Defense between December 1956 and March 1957, he became head of the training department at the Miklós Zrínyi Military Academy and then in 1958 first secretary of the MSZMP party leadership of the Hungarian People's Army (Magyar Néphadsereg) . During this time he was first a candidate on November 24, 1962 at the VIII Party Congress and then on December 3, 1966 at the IX. Party Congress Member of the Central Committee (ZK) of the MSZMP, to which he belonged until March 22, 1985. At the same time he was also a member of the Central Party Control Commission of the MSZMP and was promoted to colonel (Ezredes) in 1963 .

On December 19, 1970, Kárpáti, who was promoted to Major General (Vezérőrnagy) in 1971 , became Head of the Main Political Administration of the People's Army and Deputy Minister for National Defense. On April 25, 1971, he was elected for the first time as a member of parliament (Országgyűlés) , where he initially represented the 29th constituency of Pest County and then between June 15, 1975 and March 16, 1990 the 7th constituency of Pest County. In 1979 he was promoted to lieutenant general (Vezérőrnagy) .

After the death of Army General István Oláh on December 15, 1985, he was succeeded Minister for National Defense (Honvédelmi Miniszter) in the cabinet of Prime Minister György Lázár on December 30, 1985 . He also held this post in the government of Prime Minister Károly Grósz and the government of Prime Minister Miklós Németh until May 23, 1990. In December 1989 he was promoted to Colonel General (Vezérezredes) .

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