Fernando Fernán Gómez

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Fernando Fernán Gómez

Fernando Fernán Gómez (born August 28, 1921 in Lima , Peru , † November 21, 2007 in Madrid ) was a Spanish actor and director .


Fernán Gómez was the son of the Spanish actress Carola Fernán Gómez . He lived in Peru and Argentina until he was three . Then his mother came back to Spain with him. He already appeared in amateur theater groups during his studies at the Philosophical Faculty in Madrid. In 1938 he made his debut with the professional theater company of Laura Pinillos , in 1940 he appeared at the Teatro de la Comedia in Madrid. He made his film debut in 1943. Fernán Gómez initially played mostly comical roles, but also in films by Juan Antonio Bardem and Luis García Berlanga . His first directorial work was done in 1959.

His 1963 film El mundo sigue (English: Life goes on) was published in 2016 by Caimán magazine . Cuadernos de cine voted ninth best film in Spanish film history. Although the film was approved by the censors, it could only be shown in Bilbao in 1965 and quickly disappeared from the cinema. The plot is a ruthless portrait of Madrid society in the 1950s and challenges the national-Catholic values ​​of the Franco regime. In 2015, 50 years later, it finally came to the cinemas in a restored version and landed a surprise success.

It was only in the 1970s that he was offered roles outside of the comic field and developed into one of the most recognized character actors in Spain, for example in Carlos Saura's Anna and the Wolves (1972). He was also successful as a writer, writing numerous plays, novels, short stories, scripts and an opera libretto.

It was not until the late 1970s that the Argentine took Spanish citizenship. Fernán Gómez was married to the Spanish actress María Dolores Pradera , and later to Emma Cohen . His daughter is the actress Helena Fernán Gómez .


In his career he won the Goya Spanish Film Award four times . He won a Silver Bear twice at the Berlinale 1977 and the Berlinale 1985 . In 2005, the Berlin International Film Festival honored him with the Honorary Golden Bear for his life's work. From 30 January 2000 to his death he was a member of the Spanish Royal Academy , in which he the seat for the letter B held.

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. El reestreno de El mundo sigue . In: Junkerjürgen, Ralf; Cristina Alonso-Villa (Ed.): 'El mundo sigue', de Fernán Gómez. Redescubrimiento de un clásico . Peter Lang, Bern etc. 2017, p. 15-42 .