Tierra del Fuego (1988)

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Original title fire land
Country of production GDR
original language German
Publishing year 1988
length 30 minutes
Director Volker Koepp
script Volker Koepp
production DEFA studio for documentary films, KAG: document
music Udo Lindenberg
camera Thomas Plenert
cut Yvonne Loquens

Tierra del Fuego is a documentary film by the DEFA studio for documentaries by Volker Koepp from 1988.


This is a documentary film about part of the Oranienburger suburb in Berlin-Mitte . The area between Chausseestrasse , Invalidenstrasse , Ackerstrasse and Wilhelm-Pieck-Strasse was already called Tierra del Fuego in the middle of the 19th century . The many machine factories and iron foundries shaped the area and gave it its name. The main event of the film takes place in the restaurant Borsig-Eck , which is located on Borsigstrasse at the corner of Tieckstrasse . It is a simple corner pub, as it existed in this area at least on every corner before the Second World War , as it was and is in a real working-class district. They get married there, there are regular customers, walk-in customers, young girls who just want to eat a sausage, pensioners, punks, workers and people on sick leave, so a colorful mix of society.

From here there are excursions to the Borsig office building in Chausseestrasse with the Dorotheenstädtische Friedhof opposite and the Brecht house . A little further on, on the same street, the camera takes a look into the premises of the Ballhaus Berlin, where dance is played. Even further down the same street, the team attends a soccer match at the World Youth Stadium . The Stadtbad Gartenstrasse is shown, which has to be renovated and modernized after 60 years. Glances are also cast on the market hall VI, the so-called Ackerhalle and the old German ball house. The construction workers from Neubrandenburg who spend their break in their trailer in Tieckstrasse are also interviewed. According to their statements, they have contracts in residential construction in Berlin for at least three years.

The film shows in an authentic way a piece of everyday life in Berlin in 1987.


Tierra del Fuego was shot as a black and white film under the working title Chausseestrasse and had its festive premiere on the occasion of the 5th year of the discussion event “Offers - New DEFA Documentary Films” on January 14, 1988 in the Babylon cinema in Berlin .

The dramaturgy was in the hands of Annerose Richter.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Berliner Zeitung of January 9, 1988, p. 12
  2. Neue Zeit of January 14, 1988, p. 8