Filippo Carandini

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Filippo Carandini (born September 6, 1729 in Pesaro , † August 28, 1810 in Modena ) was an Italian cardinal of the Roman Church .


He was the fifth of nine children of Marchese Gian Lodovico Carandini and Countess Osanna Magni. He began his education in his hometown of Pesaro, later he studied canonical and secular law in Rome , where he followed his father after his mother's death. In 1774 Filippo Carandini became the ambassador of the Duke of Modena, Francesco II d'Este , to the Holy See . The Duke later appointed him to the State Council of Modena. 1777 he was by Pope Pius VI. named House Prelate of His Holiness .

Pope Pius VI created Carandini in the consistory of January 29, 1787 cardinal and appointed him cardinal deacon of Santa Maria in Portico . He received minor orders on December 28, 1787 and was ordained a subdeacon on June 6, 1789 . On September 12, 1794 he moved to the titular diaconia Sant'Eustachio . He took part in the conclave 1799-1800 , which Pope Pius VII elected. Carandini was Prefect of the Council Congregation from 1800 to 1810 . During the French occupation of Rome in 1809 he was forced to seek refuge in Tolentino and later in Modena as well.

Filippo Carandini died after a short illness on August 28, 1810 in Modena and was buried in the local cathedral .

His nephew was Cardinal Ercole Consalvi , Carandini was also related to Cardinal Antonio Maria Frosini .

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Individual evidence

  1. See: Notes per l'anno bisestile MDCCXCVI. Roma 1796, p. 23
  2. See: Giuseppe de Novaes: Elementi della storia de 'somni pontefici de San Pietro. Vol. 16/1. Roma 1822, p. 165