Escape With No Way Out (1948)

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German title Escape with no way out
Original title Raw deal
Country of production United States
original language English
Publishing year 1948
length 77 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Anthony Mann
script John C. Higgins ,
Leopold Atlas
production Edward Small
music Paul Sawtell
camera John Alton
cut Al De Gaetano

Escape without a way out (Original title: Raw Deal ) is an American film noir by director Anthony Mann from 1948. The film is based on the story of the same name by Arnold B. Armstrong and Audrey Ashley.


With the help of his girlfriend Pat, Joe Sullivan breaks out of prison. Neither of them know that gangster Rick Coyle, a sadistic arsonist, made their escape easier. In fact, Joe was supposed to be killed during his outbreak so he couldn't go to Coyle and demand his $ 50,000 stake. Coyle decides to have Joe killed by someone else.

On their escape, Pat and Joe kidnap Ann, a social worker Joe visited in prison. When Joe is attacked by a brutal gangster, Ann shoots him down. Ann realizes after this act that she has fallen in love with Joe. Joe sends Ann away out of pity so that he can leave the country with Pat. Pat receives a warning in her hotel room that Ann has been captured by Coyle. Ann will die if Pat and Joe don't face him. Pat does not reveal the true content of the call to Joe and lies to him. She's afraid that Joe would leave her otherwise.

Before they go on the ship they want to leave the country with, Joe tries to kill Coyle. Coyle, surprised by Joe's intrusion, shoots him down. Accidentally, Coyle sets fire to and is trapped. He tries to jump out of the window, but is fatally injured. When Pat arrives, Joe is dying in Ann's arms.


"Classic film noir" [sic] with a captivating clarity as far as the composition, the lighting and the use of the space are concerned: A teaching example of great effect through modest means. "

“An exciting, action-packed 80-minute film full of good dialogues and solid actor performances. Marsha Hunt received special praise for her role as an opaque probation officer who gave in to her emotions. "


Escape without a way out started in German cinemas in 1951 .

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Escape without a way out in the lexicon of international filmTemplate: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used .