Franz Karl Ludwig Wilhelm von Hacke

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Coat of arms of the Barons von Hacke, at Trippstadt Castle

Franz Karl Ludwig Wilhelm von Hacke , sometimes also Hack or Haacke , (* around 1725; † September 4, 1757 in Kelheim ) was a baron and diplomat from the Electoral Palatinate who was killed in a shipwreck.

Origin and family

He was one of 18 children of Baron Ludwig Anton von Hacke (1682–1752) and his wife Maria Anna Theodora Regina von Wachtendonk, daughter of the Alzeyer Oberamtmann Hermann Adrian von Wachtendonk (1666–1702) and sister of the influential Elector Palatinate Minister Hermann Arnold von Wachtendonk-Germenseel (1694–1768) born. The father Ludwig Anton von Hacke was Kurpfälzer Colonel hunter - and Colonel forester and owner of independent rule Trippstadt .

As a result of the early accidental death of Franz Karl Ludwig Wilhelm, the younger brother Franz Karl Joseph von Hacke (1727–1780) entered his father's positions, became sovereign in Trippstadt and built the castle there . He was married to Amöna Marie Charlotte Juliane Sturmfeder von Oppenweiler , daughter of the Dirmstein local nobility Marsilius Franz Sturmfeder von Oppenweiler .

The sister Antoinette von Hacke (1736–1778) married the Electoral Palatinate Finance Minister Franz Karl Joseph Anton von Hompesch zu Bolheim (1735–1800), brother of the Maltese Grand Master Ferdinand von Hompesch zu Bolheim (1744–1805). Through their daughter Elisabeth Auguste von Hompesch zu Bolheim, who married Count Carl-Wilhelm Franz-Xaver von Spee (1758–1810), they are the great-great-grandparents of Admiral Count Maximilian von Spee , who has become famous in recent German history died with his two sons in a naval battle in the Falkland Islands .

Maria Charlotte Amalia, another sister, married Joseph Karl Ferdinand Friedrich Franz Anton von Sickingen (1708–1787), son of the Electoral Palatinate minister and chief treasurer Johann Ferdinand von Sickingen (1664–1719).

The brother Christian Franz von Hacke (1731–1807) was cathedral capitular in Speyer and choir bishop in the Archdiocese of Trier .

Live and act

Franz Karl Ludwig Wilhelm von Hacke went into the service of his native Electoral Palatinate. He became a privy councilor or government councilor and also held the rank of lieutenant colonel . He was also a Knight of Malta and a Knight of the Wittelsbach Order of Saint Hubert . Until his death, he succeeded his father, who died in 1752, as chief hunter, and had previously worked with him for a while.

On October 9, 1756, Elector Karl Theodor appointed the baron as ambassador to the Electorate of the Palatinate and Minister in Vienna. At the beginning of the Seven Years' War in 1756 negotiations regarding a protection treaty with Austria for the Duchy of Jülich-Berg were ongoing .

Franz Karl Ludwig Wilhelm von Hacke was only able to exercise his office for a year. On September 4, 1757, early in the morning at around 7 o'clock, on the return journey from the Palatinate to Vienna , he was sleeping in his carriage, on board a ship going down the Danube . This hit the bridge near Kelheim , Hacke went overboard and drowned. The contemporary sources say that some of the baggage was found again. According to the accident, the whole carriage with the sleeping ambassador should have fallen into the river.


  • Michael Ranft : New genealogical-historical news of the most distinguished events that happened at the European courts , 97th part, Leipzig, 1758, p. 179 u. 180 (digital scan)
  • Michael Ranft: New genealogical-historical news of the noblest incidents, which happened at the European courts , 95th part, Leipzig, 1758, p. 206; (Digital scan)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Genealogical website on Franz Karl Joseph von Hacke
  2. ^ Biographical website on Franz Karl Joseph Anton von Hompesch
  3. ^ Genealogical page on Carl-Wilhelm Franz-Xaver von Spee
  4. ^ Yearbooks for Prussian Legislation, Jurisprudence and Legal Administration , Volume 47, Berlin, 1836, pp. 247 and 248; (Digital scan)
  5. Michael Benz: Johann Ferdinand von und zu Sickingen (1664–1719) , in: Blätter für Pfälzische Kirchengeschichte und Religiöse Volkskunde , 53 year, 1986, pp. 255–264
  6. Genealogisches lexicon of Ignaz Ströller, edited by Roland Thiele , Vol 1, p 311; (PDF view)
  7. ^ Johann Christian Lünig: Johann Christian Lünig's newly improved and considerably enlarged titular book , Leipzig, 1750, p. 264; (Digital scan)
  8. Gottlob Friedrich Krebel, Gottlieb Schumann: M. Gottlieb Schumanns genealogisches Hand-Buch , Leipzig, 1758, p. 160, (digital scan)
  9. ^ Angela Kulenkampff: Austria and the Old Reich: the Reich policy of State Chancellor Kaunitz under Maria Theresia and Joseph II. , Böhlau Verlag, Cologne, 2005, p. 44, ISBN 3412103055 ; (Digital scan)
  10. Munich newspapers, of which war, peace and state events, inside and outside the country , year 1757, p. 573; (Digital scan)