Franz Karl von Landsberg zu Erwitte

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Gravestone in the cathedral of Münster

Franz Karl Anton Freiherr von Landsberg zu Erwitte (born April 3, 1735 in Arnsberg ; † May 7, 1779 in Münster ) was canon in Münster, Paderborn and Osnabrück.


Origin and family

Franz Karl Anton von Landsberg grew up as the son of Franz Kaspar Ferdinand von Landsberg zu Erwitte and his wife Anna Maria Theresia von der Recke together with his siblings Anna Adolphina (* 1751, ∞ Hermann von Spiegel zum Desenberg ), Johann Matthias (1734-1813) and Clemens August (1733–1785) in the von Landsberg noble family . Through his marriage to the heiress Anna Theresia von Velen , Clemens August came into possession of Velen's estates. From then on the family was called von Landsberg-Velen .


With the receipt of the tonsure on February 17, 1746, Franz Karl was prepared for a spiritual life. With papal approval, he received a cathedral praise on September 15, 1746 in Mainz . On November 21, 1750 he enrolled at the University of Paderborn and completed a biennium in Rome from November 3, 1753 to December 20, 1754 . In 1753, Franz Karl received cathedral praise in Paderborn and Osnabrück after the canon Ferdinand Gottfried Droste zu Vischering had renounced. From the Turnar he received a prebend in Münster in 1759 , was on October 11th. J. swore up and filled the position of the Elector of Cologne Chamberlain. On July 24, 1760 he appointed his brother Johann Matthias as executor. Franz Karl took up the position of President of the Court Chamber at the end of December 1770 as the successor to Caspar Ferdinand Droste zu Füchten . He kept this office until his election as cathedral dean on August 1, 1774. He remained in this office until his death. His grave is in the cathedral of Münster .


1765 Privy Council


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