Franz Rögels

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Franz Rögels , also Franz Roegels (* 1821 in Kempen , Kempen district , † 1892 in Düsseldorf ), was a German history and portrait painter of the Düsseldorf school and photographer .


Rögels studied painting at the Düsseldorf Art Academy from 1852 to 1859 . There were Josef Winter Gerst , Rudolf Wiegmann , Andreas and Karl Mueller , Heinrich Mücke , Theodor Hildebrandt and Wilhelm von Schadow his teachers. Around 1853 he intended to join the Jesuit order. At the beginning of his artistic career, Rögels made a name for himself as a history painter with religious motifs of the late Nazarene , around 1856 at an exhibition of the Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen with the painting Christ with Martha and Maria , but above all he appeared as a portrait painter, initially in Düsseldorf , where he lived at Marktplatz 11 in 1859 and belonged to the artists' association Malkasten , later in Barmen , where his son Andreas was born in 1870 , who was also to become a painter at the Düsseldorf school. Rögels also worked as a portrait photographer in Barmen .

When Rögels exhibited three portraits in the Kasseler Kunstverein in 1876 , including an oil portrait of the poet Emil Rittershaus from Barmen , their "sobriety" and "photographic fidelity to nature" was criticized in the journal for fine arts . Such a representation is not compatible “with the higher point of view of the portrait painter” because his task is to portray a person “according to his deeper being”.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Museum Kunstpalast : Artists from the Düsseldorf School of Painting (selection, as of November 2016, PDF )
  2. Finding aid 212.01.04 Student lists of the Art Academy Düsseldorf , website in the portal ( Landesarchiv Nordrhein-Westfalen )
  3. ^ Hanns Peter Neuheuser (processing): Inventory of the oldest files in the Probsteiarchiv Kempen . In: Landschaftsverband Rheinland, Archivberatungsstelle (Hrsg. :): Inventories of non-state archives . Volume 37, Rheinland-Verlag, Cologne 1995, p. 211
  4. ^ The last art exhibition in Düsseldorf . In: Deutsches Kunstblatt . Volume VIII, No. 2, edition of January 8, 1857, p. 10 ( Google Books )
  5. Rögels, Franz, painters, Marktstr. 11 . In: Address book of the mayor's office in Düsseldorf for the year 1858 . New series, first year, p. 68
  6. Inventory list , website in the portal
  7. Should a portrait be true to life? In: Paul Eduard Liesegang (ed.): Photographisches Archiv. Reports on the progress of photography . No. 339, p. 179 ( Google Books )