Franz Rotter (sculptor)

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Franz Rotter (born October 27, 1910 in Komárom , Hungary; † September 6, 1989 in Cuxhaven ) was a German sculptor.


Rotters Godseeker in front of the Dionysius Church (Bremerhaven-Lehe)

In Austria-Hungary , Rotter's father was the town commander of Komorn . Franz Rotter attended secondary school in Prague. From 1928 to 1934 he studied at the Prague School of Applied Arts . After five years as a freelance sculptor, he was an assistant there from 1939. As a professor, he headed the “Applied Sculpture and Metalworking” department. Many of his early sculptures have been lost. Photos of them still exist, which are arranged chronologically in albums. Rotter's idealizing style incorporated classicist and expressionist elements. He approached realism, but at the same time created abstract works.

As a German he was interned in the Third Czechoslovak Republic from 1945 to 1948 . Afterwards, acquaintances helped him to get a job in Cuxhaven's industry. As a hockey player , he made friends. He got his own studio and was able to work as a freelance artist again. Dozens of his works can be found in schools, churches, sports facilities, banks, buildings of the fishing industry and the post office in Cuxhaven. He created a memorial of expulsion and the three-part form , a symbol for the division of Germany and the division of Berlin. His wish that “the sphere should close again” began to be fulfilled in the year he died.

When he had to take a break from the visual arts due to an illness, he turned to painting , drawing and collage , and later also to linocut . He portrayed Josef Keilberth , Helmuth Thierfelder , Hans Christoph Seebohm , Alfons Goppel , Hans Lipinsky-Gottersdorf and others. He was involved in the Esslingen artists' guild and in the professional association of visual artists . In the BbK he was chairman for the administrative district of Stade and a member of the state board of Hanover for over 20 years . For more than 20 years he also headed the Lower Saxony regional group of the Eßlinger Künstlergilde, for whose members he set up the artist's studio in Kugelbake . He was a member of the Adalbert Stifter Association and senator of the Halcyon Academy in Salò on Lake Garda .


  • Sudeten German Culture Prize (1959)
  • In 1985 he received the Castle Medal of the City of Cuxhaven.
  • Franz-Rotter-Allee in Cuxhaven was named after him in 1990.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Munzinger
  2. a b Culture Portal West – East