Franziska Stömmer

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Franziska Stömmer (born September 16, 1922 in Eichendorf ; † June 21, 2004 in Munich ) was a Bavarian folk actress and character actress.


After studying at Otto Falckenberg's drama school , Stömmer could already be seen on stages in Reichenberg and Munich in the 1940s , but interrupted her career at the request of her husband Wolfgang Eichberger (1911–1963). She only returned as an actress at the end of the 1950s and appeared in a number of films, television series (including the Royal Bavarian District Court , Meister Eder und seine Pumuckl and The Second Home - Chronicle of a Youth ) and radio plays . She became better known as Grandma Soleder, first in the radio series Die Grandauers and her time at the side of Karl Obermayr and Ilse Neubauer and then nationwide in the television series Löwengrube (1989 to 1992), where she acted alongside Jörg Hube and Christine Neubauer . In the late 1990s, the penniless actress moved to a retirement home in Munich, where she died in 2004. She was buried in the Solln forest cemetery in Munich.

Filmography (selection)

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