Friedrich Kaiser (painter)

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Fraternization celebration between the French and the Basel population around the tree of freedom on Basel Münsterplatz on January 20, 1798 during the Helvetic Revolution . Colored etching by Friedrich Kaiser

Friedrich Kaiser (born January 21, 1815 in Lörrach , † October 13, 1889 in Berlin-Charlottenburg ) was a German history and battle painter and lithographer .


Kaiser was the second son of the country surgeon Johann Friedrich Kaiser († 1846) and his wife Frederike geb. Autenrieth († 1854). The doctor and MP Eduard Kaiser was his older brother. Kaiser was probably taught drawing by Christian Meichelt at the Lörracher Pedagogy . Friedrich initially wanted to become a lithographer and began training in Karlsruhe in 1833. It is believed that he came to Paris in 1837 , where he was so captivated by Horace Vernet's battle pictures that he decided to devote himself to this branch of painting.

From 1845 until completion in 1848 Kaiser documented the construction of the section of the Rhine Valley Railway between Schliengen and Efringen in 12 drawings.

After a stay in Munich , he returned to Baden in 1848 . In June 1849, during the Prussian siege of the Rastatt Fortress , he was caught by the troop drawing military actions and almost shot as a spy .

Kaiser worked for the publisher Johann Jacob Weber and was one of the pioneers in photo reporting . From 1848 to 1871 he created drawings for the Leipziger Illustrierte Zeitung - Germany's first illustrated newspaper - about the Baden Revolution of 1848/49, the German-Danish War of 1864, the German War of 1866 and the Franco-German War of 1870/71 . These drawings later served as templates for his paintings. Kaiser made his drawings on paper, but some of them were also transferred to wood himself. Xylographers then made the woodcuts or wood engravings that served as a printing block.

In 1850 he moved to Berlin and initially painted several scenes from the past war years in oils and watercolors , but also scenes from other wars. In addition, he worked as a sculptor and painted portraits, for example a large-format oval picture of his wife, which is owned by the family.


Entry of a column of rioters under Gustav Struve in Lörrach on April 20, 1848 on the way to support the Hecker platoon in the battle of Kandern . (Oil painting)
The pace of the early days , renovation of Grenadierstrasse (today: Almstadtstrasse), 1875

In 1879 he presented a picture rich in figures,

Collection and appreciation

The Dreiländermuseum houses 88 works in its collection, including drawings, oil paintings and lithographs. For the 100th birthday of the painter, the Museum am Burghof (today the three-country museum) showed the artist's works for the first time in a special exhibition (August 1, 1990 - January 24, 1991). On the occasion of his 200th birthday, the Dreiländermuseum is honoring Friedrich Kaiser with the special exhibition Friedrich Kaiser - contemporary witness of a troubled century. The artist's older brother, the Lörrach doctor and politician Eduard Kaiser (1813–1903), also has his say in the exhibition with his memoirs of the Grand Duchy of Baden in the 19th century (published in 1910).

The Rastatt City Museum is honoring his memory and reporting on the Baden Revolution of 1848/49 with an exhibition from November 11, 2017 to April 2, 2018. Kaiser was present in Rastatt at the time of the revolutionary events and documented the events.


  • Sara Capdeville, Esther Pollakowski: Friedrich Kaiser on behalf of the print media. The artist as photo reporter for the Leipziger Illustrirten Zeitung. In: Badische Heimat , issue 2/2016, pp. 260–266 pdf
  • René Hartmann: Kaiser, Friedrich , in: Savoy, Bénédicte and Nerlich, France (ed.): Paris apprenticeship years. A lexicon for training German painters in the French capital . Volume 1: 1793–1843, Berlin / Boston 2013, pp. 135–136. online in the google book search
  • Gerhard Moehring : Friedrich Kaiser the history and battle painter. On the 100th anniversary of his death on October 13, 1990. In: Das Markgräflerland, issue 1/1991, pp. 67–76, digitized version of the Freiburg University Library
  • Thomas Cathiau: Friedrich Kaiser . In: Badische Biographien (edited by Friedrich von Weech ), Part Four, Karlsruhe 1891, p. 214 online in the Badische Landesbibliothek
  • Eduard Kaiser: From the old days - Memoirs of a Markgräfler 1815-1875 , Lörrach 1910, Reprint Resin, Weil am Rhein 1981. ISBN 3-923066-07-4

Web links

Commons : Friedrich Kaiser  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual references / comments

  1. see “Todtenschau” in the Illustrirten Zeitung No. 2417 of October 26, 1889, p. 422 in the Internet Archive
  2. ^ Digitized version of the Baden State Library
  3. There is evidence that his two years older brother Eduard von Meichelt was tutored.
  4. XII views from the area around the Isteiner Klotz along the railway between Schliengen & Efringen in the Baden Oberlande. Drawn from nature and on stone by Ms. Kaiser. Carlsruhe, publisher of P. Wagner's lithography
  5. A brief description of the process can be found in Eduard Kaiser, pp. 273/274
  6. see Capdeville / Pollakowski p. 264
  7. ^ Gustav Struve: History of the three popular surveys in Baden 1848/1849 ; Freiburg, 1980, p. 67f., Quotation: “ In order to establish contact with the Hecker band as quickly as possible, the Weisshaar-Struve Colonne, about 700 strong, moved the following morning, Maundy Thursday, April 20 to Loerrach. There should be rest. "
  8. Willy Real: The Revolution in Baden 1848/49 (Stuttgart, 1983), Fig. 3 (between pp. 64 and 65)
  9. ^ Gerhard Moehring: Friedrich Kaiser the history and battle painter. On the 100th anniversary of his death on October 13, 1990. Reprint, Lörrach 1990.
  10. [1]. Website Dreiländermuseum. Retrieved December 24, 2015.