Friedrich zu Solms-Braunfels

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Prince Friedrich Engelbert Alexander Aloysius Hubertus Maria zu Solms-Braunfels (born September 23, 1864 in Drensteinfurt , † February 7, 1936 in Paderborn ) was a German politician , officer and member of parliament .


Friedrich was a member of the German dynasty of Solms-Braunfels . He was the son of the Prussian Major General Alexander zu Solms-Braunfels (1807–1867) and Freiin Luise von Landsberg-Velen (1835–1894), daughter of the Prussian chamberlain and member of the Engelbert Freiherr von Landsberg-Velen manor on Steinfurt and Hermine Countess of Hatzfeldt-Schönstein. The generals Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich (1801–1868) and Friedrich Wilhelm Karl (1812–1875) were his immediate uncles.

He was lieutenant colonel à la suite of the royal Prussian army and from 1902 to 1914 the authorized representative of his nephew Georg Friedrich Fürst zu Solms-Braunfels in the first chamber of the estates of the Grand Duchy of Hesse . In March 1914 he was replaced by Reinhard Prinz zu Solms-Hohensolms-Lich (1867–1951).


Friedrich married Countess Maria von Westphalen zu Fürstenberg (1868–1934), daughter of Joseph Graf von Westphalen zu Fürstenberg and Katharina Friedberg from St. Petersburg in 1896 .


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ GHdA, Princely Houses Volume XV, Limburg an der Lahn 1997, p. 432 f.
  2. Gothaisches genealogical paperback . 97th year, Justus Perthes , Gotha 1860, p. 210.
  3. Solms-Braunfels, Friedrich Engelbert Alexander Aloysius Hubertus Maria Prinz zu. Hessian biography. (As of December 2, 2013). In: Landesgeschichtliches Informationssystem Hessen (LAGIS).
  4. Solms-Braunfels, Friedrich Engelbert Alexander Aloysius Hubertus Maria Prinz zu. Hessian biography. (As of December 2, 2013). In: Landesgeschichtliches Informationssystem Hessen (LAGIS).
  5. ^ GHdA, Princely Houses Volume XV, Limburg an der Lahn 1997, p. 433.