Günter Pursch

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Günter Pursch (* 1947 ) is a German journalist and non-fiction author . He is best known for his parliamentary swear books .


Professional career and private life

Günter Pursch worked from 1972 to 1987 as a speaker in the CDU / CSU parliamentary group . In 1987 he moved to the editorial team of the weekly newspaper Das Parlament as a representative of the CDU / CSU , where he was the chief editor from 1989 to 2008 .

Günter Pursch has lived in Berlin since 1999 . He is married and has two grown children.

"Verbal chronicler of the Bundestag"

In 1975 he began howlers , brainstorms , heckling , insults and outbursts German politicians especially in the German Bundestag to collect. The SPD parliamentary group leader Herbert Wehner , who is legendary for his rhetorical talent , but also for his verbal attacks, proved to be particularly productive . This is how the collection of quotes by MP Wehner: “You can frame yourself” (1976). Finally, in 1980, Pursch first presented his Parliamentary Schimpfbuch , which brought together the most striking sayings of the representatives of all parliamentary groups in the German Bundestag since it was founded in 1949. The book was immediately well received, so that Pursch followed up with a second volume in 1986, depicting arguments and humor in the Bundestag between 1980 and 1986. In the years that followed, the "Schimpfchronist des Bundestag" continued to compile quotes and published further, updated versions under various titles, most recently in 2009 The Parliamentary Schimpfbuch. Blooms of style and flashes of inspiration from our representatives in 60 years of the Bundestag on the occasion of the celebrations for the “round” birthday of the German parliament. For his “Schimpfbücher”, Pursch has scoured 240,000 pages of stenographic minutes of all plenary sessions over the decades with a view to particularly concise statements.

Accordingly, Herbert Wehner is still the undisputed record holder when it comes to calls to order. He received 57 warnings in the Bundestag. Behind him on the “eternal best list” are Heinz Renner (KPD) with 47 and Ottmar “Schreier” Schreiner (SPD) with 40 calls to order. According to Pursch, Schreiner has even set itself the declared goal of surpassing Wehner.

For Pursch, however, all of these taunts and derailments also fulfill a psychosocial function: "Insult, even the parliamentary one, is a kind of bowel movement of the soul." Ultimately, the behavior of parliamentarians is only human-all-too-human:

“Politics is made by people for people. And so it is often forgotten that MPs belonged to this very species. They are representatives of the people - and that means, if they really represent the interests of the people, that they have all of the strengths and weaknesses that can be found in the “average consumer”. If that were different, they wouldn't be good representatives of the people. "

If the MPs lose their weaknesses, they would probably also give up their humanity, Pursch fears. He therefore hopes and wishes that the German Bundestag will continue to "scold, ridicule, tease and laugh" .

In addition to his humorous books, Pursch published, among other things, short biographies of federal politicians. He has also dealt with very serious and difficult political issues and, for example, documented the Bundestag debate on June 25, 1992 with the decision on Section 218 of the Criminal Code in the discussion on abortion (1992).


  • As compiler: Words of the MP Wehner : "You can frame yourself" , foreword by Gerhard Reddemann , Mainz 1976 ( ISBN 3-7758-0924-4 )
  • as editor / compiler: "Lovely" Bundestag. Heckling, blooming of style and taunts from the Bonn parliament , with caricatures from Party , a foreword by Richard Stücklen and a foreword by Gerhard Reddemann, Bonn 1979
  • as editor / compiler: Parliamentary Schimpfbuch , 2 volumes:
  • as editor / compiler and editor: Die in Bonn: Regieren - Opposieren. 81 résumés of politicians , Frankfurt am Main, Berlin and Vienna 1981 ( ISBN 3-548-34519-0 )
  • as editor / editor together with Volkhard Laitenberger : Social market economy . Balance sheet and perspective , Bonn approx. 1989
  • as editor / compiler: The Great Parliamentary Schimpfbuch. Style blossoms and flashes of inspiration from our representatives , illustrations by Burkhard Mohr , Munich 1989 (from the 3rd edition under the title Das neue parliamentarian Schimpfbuch. Stilblüten and brainstorms from our representatives , with a preface by Michaela Geiger , Munich 1997, ISBN 3-7844-2613- 1 )
  • as editor / compiler : The parliamentary Schimpf- & Schmunzel-Lexikon. From “demolition company” to “cynicism” 1949 - 1991 , with a foreword by Hans Klein and a foreword by Gerhard Reddemann, Munich 1992 ( ISBN 3-7844-2395-7 )
  • as editor, compiler and editor: § 218 , the decision. The verbatim minutes of the German Bundestag from June 25, 1992 , with a foreword by Ursula Männle , Frankfurt am Main and Berlin 1992 ( ISBN 3-548-36607-4 )
  • as editor / compiler: The Parliamentary Schimpfbuch. Blooms of style and flashes of inspiration from our representatives in 60 years of the Bundestag , with a foreword by Gerda Hasselfeldt , Munich 2009 ( ISBN 978-3-7766-2594-3 )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. -flk-: The Parliamentary Schimpfbuch and its author . In: Hamburger Abendblatt from March 24, 2009 ( online version )
  2. a b c N.N .: With foil and mallet , in the text archive of the German Bundestag ( Memento from January 2, 2010 in the Internet Archive ); Retrieved January 9, 2010
  3. quoted from Bastian Strauch: Schimpfen in the Bundestag - "Is that still parliamentary?" , Deutsche Welle of June 10, 2009
  4. Günter Pursch: Even members of parliament are only human ... Political debate culture in 50 years of the German Bundestag . In: Blickpunkt Bundestag No. 07/1999 ( version in the web archive of the German Bundestag 2006 )
  5. ^ Günter Pursch in his foreword to Das parliamentarian Schimpfbuch. Blooms of style and flashes of inspiration from our representatives in 60 years of the Bundestag . Herbig, Munich 2009, p. 10