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legal form GmbH
founding 1988
Seat Munich
management Georg Löffler, Michèle Claveau
Branch Music industry

Quadro Nuevo's sales success of "Tango Bitter Sweet" was honored with double platinum

GLM is a recording company and the affiliated GLM Musikverlag eK . The focus is on the music genres jazz , world music and pop .

GLM Music GmbH

GLM Music is an independent record company that has released more than 100 productions under its four sub-labels Fine Music , Edition Collage , Impulso and Dinnermusic . These productions include artists such as Martin Scales , Patrick Scales , Johannes Enders , Lisa Wahlandt , Evelyn Huber , Mulo Francel , Robert Wolf, Helena Luce, Norbert Emminger, Corinne Chatel , Esther Kaiser , Hannah Köpf and Jürgen Hahn . The groups Quadro Nuevo , Café del Mundo , Lottchen ( Eva Buchmann / Sonja Huber ), beNUTS and Jamaram are also under contract with GLM.

According to the company, Fine Music produces “sophisticated music with light melodies and lively rhythms”, Edition Collage is responsible for jazz , Impulso moves in the areas of reggae , funk , ska , downbeat and dinner music and publishes Easy Listening .

GLM Musikverlag eK

GLM Musikverlag, founded in 1988, takes care of commercial marketing and administration of the publisher's titles (handling with the collecting societies , licensing as film music , etc.). In addition, advising musicians and establishing contact with the media world are among the main tasks. In addition to its own publishing activities, GLM Musikverlag also takes care of the issues of affiliated editions and some foreign publishers that are represented by GLM in Germany , Austria and Switzerland . This includes RDC Records from France .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Imprint. In: GLM Music GmbH. December 5, 2013, accessed on March 23, 2020 (German).