Gabriel Wüger

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Wüger's facade painting on the Beuron Maurus chapel

Gabriel Wüger OSB (born December 2, 1829 in Steckborn am Untersee (Lake Constance) , Canton Thurgau as Jakob Wüger ; † May 31, 1892 in Monte Cassino ) was a Swiss Benedictine priest and painter .


Gabriel Wüger was born as the son of wealthy reformed parents in Steckborn. First he attended high school in La Neuveville , where his artistic talent was discovered and from then on he took private lessons from one of his drawing teachers. When his father finally consented to an artistic career, Gabriel Wüger attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich , where he completed his studies with Wilhelm von Kaulbach (1847 to 1852). He later joined the Johann Baptist Berdellés School, which was increasingly in competition with the Academy .

In 1856 he went to Dresden , where he continued his studies of great masters such as Rubens and Veronese. After a short detour in Munich, where he was able to sell one of his works, he visited his relatives and stayed in Steckborn from 1858 to 1860. At the beginning of 1860 he moved to Nuremberg , in 1862 finally to Florence , where the painter Amos Cassioli made a place available for him in his studio.

During his stay in Rome from 1862 he converted to Catholicism. He was decisively influenced by the art of the Nazarenes . In 1869 he was commissioned to carry out the frescoes in Beuron Abbey , which he carried out in the summers of 1868 and 1869, and he also provided pictures on the outer walls of a monastery house next to the Maurus chapel . In 1870 he became a novice in the Beuron monastery, where he made perpetual profession in 1875 and was ordained a priest in 1880.

Wüger became one of the co-founders of the Beuron art school and was involved in several major works of the same. After completing his work on the Toretta in Monte Cassino , Wüger died in 1893 and was buried there.

Works (selection)

  • Gretchen before the Madonna
  • Loreley
  • St. Joseph
  • Albrecht Dürer as a youth in the workshop
  • Tell saves the tree garden across the raging lake, Landenberg riders ricochet off the shore
  • Maurus Chapel Beuron
  • Painting of the Emaus Abbey Church in Prague, 1880 to 1887
  • Wall paintings in the Church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary, Stuttgart , 1898/1890 (destroyed)
  • Painting of the Toretta in the Montecassino Archabbey


  • Hermann Arthur LierWüger, Gabriel . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 44, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1898, pp. 266-268.
  • Harald Siebenmorgen: The beginnings of the “Beuron Art School”. Peter Lenz and Jakob Wueger 1850-1875. A contribution to the genesis of form abstraction in modern times. Thorbecke, Sigmaringen 1983, ISBN 3-7995-5028-3 (plus dissertation, University of Freiburg im Breisgau 1979).

Web links

Commons : Gabriel Wüger  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. S. HLS and SIKART.
  2. Gabriel Wüger. In: Sikart . Retrieved August 27, 2013
  3. ^ Hermann Arthur Lier:  Wüger, Gabriel . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 44, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1898, pp. 266-268.
  4. ^ Church of Sta. Maria on the website of the Catholic parish of Sta. Maria - Stuttgart, accessed on August 30, 2013.