Gaspard-André Jauffret

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Painting by Jauffret
Episcopal coat of arms of Jauffret

Gaspard-André Jauffret (born December 13, 1759 in La Roquebrussanne , † May 12, 1823 in Paris ) was a French clergyman, Bishop of Metz and Archbishop of Aix-en-Provence .


Jauffret was born in 1759 as the son of the notary André Jauffret and his wife Catherine Grisolle. His brother was the historian, anthropologist and poet Louis-François Jauffret . In 1769 Jauffret began training with the Oratorians in Toulouse and moved to the major seminary in Aix-en-Provence . This was followed by a doctorate for a licentiate in both rights and a doctorate in theology. Then he was canon at the collegiate church of Saint-Pancrace in Aups until he was appointed provost of Barjols . Then he moved to Paris. In 1790, during the French Revolution, he fought against the civil constitution of the clergy with which the church was to be integrated into the new political system in France. In 1791 he published De la religion à l'Assemblée Nationale: discours philosophiques et politiques and the magazine " Annales religieuses, politiques et littéraires " with which he protested against the political changes of the French Revolution and spoke out in favor of freedom of worship. After the Tuileries storm , Jauffret fled first to Orléans and then to Provence . He did not return to Paris until 1795.

In 1802 he was appointed vicar general of Cardinal Joseph Fesch in Lyon . In 1806 he became chaplain to Emperor Napoléon I. In this capacity he also baptized Louis Bonaparte . On July 15, 1806 he was appointed Bishop of Metz and Peer of France , and on December 8, 1806 he was ordained bishop. During his term of office, the Metz parishes and seminars were reorganized. In 1810 he was a member of the delegation to the new Empress Marie-Louise of Austria . On January 5th of the following year he was appointed Archbishop of Aix-en-Provence and Comte de l'Empire. However, due to the conflict between Pius VII and Napoléon, the papal confirmation was not given until June 23, 1814.

Jauffret died in 1823 during a short stay in Paris. He was buried in the Carmelite monastery on Rue de Vaugirard . Later his body was transferred to Metz .


  • De la Religion à l'Assemblée nationale, discours philosophique et politique , 1790/91 ( digitized version )
  • Du Culte public, ou de la nécessité du culte public en général, et de l'excellence du culte catholique en particulier , 1795
  • Les Consolations, ou recueil choisi de tout ce que la raison et la religion peuvent offrir de consolations aux malheureux , 1796
  • Examen critique du Calendrier , 1797
  • L'Adorateur en esprit et en vérité, ou les exercices de la vie chrétienne réglée selon l'esprit de J.-C. et de son Église , 1800
  • Des Services que les Femmes peuvent rendre à la Religion , 1800
  • Exam particulier de diverse subjects, à l'usage des Sœurs qui se consacrent à l'éducation gratuite or aux fonctions de servantes des pauvres
  • Méditations sur les Souffrances de la Croix de Notre-Seigneur Jésus-Christ, suivies d'une instruction on les indulgences , 1800
  • Mémoire pour servir à l'Histoire de la Religion et de la Philosophie, à la fin du dix-huitième siècle , 1803 (anonymous)
  • De la Vraie Sagesse, pour servir de suite à l'imitation de Jésus-Christ
  • Opuscules rédigés en un nouvel ordre de livres et de chapitres, suivis des Consolations de la Vraie Sagesse dans les derniers moments d'une jeune mère chrétienne , 1804
  • Entretiens sur le Sacrement de Confirmation , 1809
  • Recueil choisi des Mandements de Monseigneur l'évêque de Metz , vers 1820
  • Lettres sur les Avantages de l'Amitié chrétienne


  • Officer of the Legion of Honor

Web links

Commons : Gaspard-André Jauffret  - Collection of images, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Pierre-François Bienaymé Bishop of Metz
Jacques-François Besson