Georg Peter Zenckel

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Georg Peter Zenckel ; also Georg Peter Zenkel (* 20th March 1717 in Schwarzenbach an der Saale , † 14. December 1760 in Erlangen ) was a German Protestant theologian and university teachers .


Georg Peter Zenckel was the son of a butcher.

He attended the gymnasium in Hof from 1732 ; his teachers there included Johann Adam Tröger (1698–1763), Johann Simon Buchka (1705–1752) and Paul Daniel Longolius . With his speech de mathesi melius in Gymnasiis nostris ac olim tractata , he left high school and began to study philosophy , mathematics , physics , oriental languages and theology at the University of Jena in 1736 ; there he heard philosophical lectures with Johann Peter Reusch , Johann Justin Schierschmid , Georg Christoph Stellwag (1711-1740), Christian Johann Anton Corvinus, Jakob Carpov and Heinrich Köhler , with Georg Erhard Hamberger and Johann Bernhard Wiedeburg he heard physics and mathematics and in the He was taught oriental languages ​​by Johann Gottfried Tympe , Hofmann and Johann Reinhard Rus, as well as in theology by Johann Georg Walch , Johann Friedrich Wucherer (1682–1737) and Jesaias Friedrich Weissenborn .

In 1740, after defending his work de naturali methodo permutandi Hebraeorum vocales, he received his master's degree and was admitted to the philosophical faculty; there he held philological , philosophical and mathematical lectures. In 1746 he received the post of adjunct .

In 1754 he was appointed associate professor of philosophy at the University of Erlangen and began this position with his opening speech de methodo docendi apud veteres Hebraeos . However, because his salary was lower than he had expected, he resigned his professorship in 1755 and since then has lived as a private scholar, albeit in poor circumstances.

In the period from 1752 to 1756 he wrote, among other things, two volumes of his work Contributions to the Defense of the Mosaic Religion .

Fonts (selection)

Literature (selection)

  • Paul Tschackert:  Zenkel, Georg Peter . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 45, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1900, p. 56 f.
  • Georg Peter Zenckel . In: Lexicon of deceased Bavarian writers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries . 1st volume, 2nd part M-Z. Augsburg and Leipzig 1824. P. 364 f.
  • Georg Peter Zenckel . In: Heinrich Döring: The learned theologians of Germany in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries , 4th volume. Neustadt an der Orla 1835. P. 781 f.

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