Georg Simbruner

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Georg Simbruner (born August 3, 1945 in Grieskirchen , Upper Austria ) is an Austrian doctor and emeritus university professor in the field of paediatrics , specializing in neonatology .


After graduating from high school in Ried im Innkreis in 1963, Georg Simbruner began studying medicine at the University of Vienna . Following his doctorate in 1970, Simbruner went to the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa to work as an assistant doctor in the department of pediatrics at the university hospital . In 1973 Simbruner moved to Vienna , where he took up a position as an assistant doctor at the University Children's Clinic . 1980 1988 followed the specialization as specialist in pediatrics, the habilitation for university lecturers.

In 1993 Georg Simbruner was appointed professor of pediatrics / neonatology at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich and in 2002 at the Clinic for Neonatology at the Medical University of Innsbruck . From July 2006 Simbruner was managing director of the University Children's Hospital Innsbruck. Research areas were lung mechanics and mechanical ventilation of newborns and hypothermia treatment for asphyctic newborns with hypoxic- ischemic encephalopathy . Simbruner was the project leader of the large European multi-center study " RCT" on "Systemic Hypothermia after Neonatal Encephalopathy". Georg Simbruner is also founder and chairman of Ipokrates , an international foundation for the advanced training of doctors, as well as founder and was the first president of the Association of European Neo and Perinatological Societies UENPS.

After his retirement in March 2009, Georg Simbruner began studying  Catholic theology  at the University of Innsbruck and Vienna . Since 2012 in the doctoral program Advanced Theological Studies / Religious Education (dissertation area Catholic theology) and graduation with the dissertation "The beginning of human existence. Biological-medical contributions to a philosophical-theological anthropology of the prenatal, peri- and immediate postnatal period" with a PhD in Theology, University of Vienna on June 29, 2016. He has been teaching at the theological courses at Stephansplatz, Vienna , since September 2016 . The focus is on anthropological topics, reproductive medicine and epigenetics . Georg Simbruner is the initiator of the lecture series "Religions in Hospitals", which has been running since January 2014, with audio documentation, available on YouTube . Since November 2014 he has also been deputy Chairman of the Catholic Association of Academics Austria (KAVÖ).

Georg Simbruner has six children and lives in Vienna.

Awards, professorships and memberships



  • Member of the Health Committee for Pediatrics of the Austrian Federal Government
  • Member of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM)
  • Member of the European Society of Pediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care (ESPNIC), national representative from 1990 to 1994
  • Member of the European Society for Pediatric Research

Honorary professorships

Visiting professorships

Fonts (selection)

In addition to four monographs, Simbruner wrote over 100 original articles and editorials, listed in PubMed.

Individual evidence

  1. "The big one out there". In: Echo Magazin 06/2005, p. 106.
  2. published in: Pediatrics Online, Sept 20, 2010, doi : 10.1542 / peds.2009-2441 .
  3. IPOKRaTES ( English ) IPOKRaTES foundation. Retrieved April 20, 2019.