Georges Güntert

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Georges Güntert
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Georges Güntert (born June 27, 1938 in Lenzburg ) is a Swiss Romance studies and professor at the University of Zurich , where he was chairman of Italian and Ibero- Romance literature from 1973 to 2003. Since 2003 he has been professor emeritus there . From 1985 to 1989 he was President of the Swiss Hispanists. He was also a member of the "Ispanisti Tedeschi" and the "Lusitanisti" association in German-speaking countries. He is a member of the foreign editorial team of the Esperienze Letterarie magazine and oversees the annual lists of Manzoni studies for the testo magazine .

Güntert created extensive Italian studies on the literary greats Dante , Boccaccio and Petrarca , the Renaissance ( Ariosto , Bandello , Gaspara Stampa , Cellini and Torquato Tasso ), the 17th century with his doctoral thesis on Lorenzo Magalotti , the works of Goldoni , the 19th century ( Manzoni , Leopardi , De Sanctis , Verga ) and modernism ( Pirandello , Alvaro , Palazzeschi , Tozzi , Montale , Landolfi , Pavese , Bassani , Cassola , Tomasi di Lampedusa , Sciascia , Giovanni Orelli , Anna Felder ). Among other things, he published:

  • Essay on The Liberated Jerusalem. Pacini, Pisa 1989.
  • Tre premesse e una dichiarazione d'amore. Vademecum per il lettore del "Decameron". Mucchi, Modena 1997.
  • Manzoni romanziere: dalla scrittura ideologica alla rappresentazione poetica. Cesati, Florence 2000.
  • together with Michelangelo Picone he edited Dante's Divine Comedy , published in three volumes : Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso. Cesati, Florence 2000-2002. (This included his interpretations of Dante's 14 chants.)
  • In collaboration with Vittorio Caratozzolo (* 1960) he has published a volume of essays Petrarca ei suoi lettori ( Petrarca and his readers ). Longo, Ravenna 2000.

In the context of Portuguese literature , he published in German in 1971 The Stranger I: Fernando Pessoa , (De Gruyter, Berlin) as well as several studies of the twentieth century (several essays on Pessoa , by Agustina Bessa-Luís and other contemporary authors).

His interest in Spanish authors first turned to the Golden Age ( Garcilaso de la Vega , Herrera , Lope de Vega , Quevedo , Calderón and of course Cervantes ), then to authors of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (Larra, Valera, Unamuno, Antonio Machado, Valle-Inclán, Baroja, Cernuda, Lorca, Ferlosio Sánchez Martín-Santos). He has published a volume of essays devoted to Don Quixote and Cervantes Novelas Ejemplares (Puvill, Barcelona 1993). Together with Peter Fröhlicher , he worked on and interpreted the various theories with Teoria e interpretacion del cuento (Lang, Bern 1995). He edited extensively editions of the Instituto Cervantes on this subject, including Francisco Rico , Cervantes, Don Quixote (Galaxia Gutenberg, Barcelona 2005), and commented on editions LXIII – LXV of the Segunda parte .


Individual evidence

  1. Manfred Lentzen (ed.): Italian theater of the 20th century in individual interpretations. Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin 2008, ISBN 978-3-503-09836-1 , p. 392.
  2. ^ A b UZH, University of Zurich, Romance seminar: Georges Güntert .