Gerhard Ahasverus von Lehndorff

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Gerhard Ahasverus Graf von Lehndorff (born February 9, 1637 in Steinort , † February 14, 1688 in Königsberg ) was a lieutenant general and state minister from Brandenburg .



His father Meinhard von Lehndorff (* December 27, 1590 - † July 31, 1639) Lieutenant Colonel and District Administrator von Rastenburg is considered one of the ancestors of the clan, the Elisabeth von Eulenburg (* 1605 - May 9, 1675), who came from a wealthy family , married.


From the age of 13 onwards , he went on a cavalier tour, that is, educational trip, across Europe , which was common at the time, with his cousin Georg Friedrich Freiherr zu Eulenburg , as well as with a servant . From 1656 to 1663, the noble lords traveled to Denmark , Holland , England , France , Italy and Malta . Here they were taken by Maltese knights on pirate trips (read raids on ships) against Turks and so-called "pirates". They also visited Spain and studied for a long time in Paris and Rome . He wrote a journal report for young nobles about this, which was known at the time. He brought home two alabaster reliefs "The Adoration of the Shepherds" and a "Crucifixion Scene" as souvenirs . Both alabaster reliefs were kept in the Lehndorff Patronage Church in Rosengarten . On April 17, 1671 he was made Knight of St. John.

He served at the Brandenburg, Orange and Danish courts and was elevated to the status of hereditary imperial count in 1683 by Emperor Leopold I.

Because of his bustle, he added the originally Greek name Ahasuerus to his first name, which goes back to a Christian legend known at the time of the "eternal bustling Jew".


Gerhard Ahasverus Graf von Lehndorff married three times.

⚭ 1669 Anne Dorothea von Podewils († 1676), daughter of Otto Wilhelm von Podewils (* 1595; † September 14, 1657)
⚭ 1678 Friederike Luise Wilhelmina von Schwerin (* December 9, 1660; † June 29, 1681)
⚭ 1682 Maria Eleonore von Dönhoff (born March 18, 1664; † April 14, 1723), builder of the Baroque Steinort Castle. With her he fathered two children
  • Countess Sophia Charlotte (* March 20, 1685 in Steinort; † February 10, 1756) ⚭ Count Bogislaw Friedrich von Dönhoff (* December 6, 1669; † December 24, 1742)
  • Count Ernst Ahasverus (born January 4, 1688 in Königsberg; † May 9, 1727 in Landheim), heir to the Steinort lordship ⚭ November 17, 1719 Marie Luise von Wallenroth (* October 2, 1696; † February 12, 1775)

See also


Individual proof

  1. Johann Christoph Beckmann: Description of the knightly Johanniter order and its peculiar nature in the master craftsman in the Marck, Saxony, Pomerania and Wendland. 311 p. + Appendix (98 p.) + An unpaginated register, Frankfurt (Oder), 1726 Online at Google Books , p. 275