Gianlucido Gonzaga

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Gonzaga coat of arms

Gianlucido (Giovan Lucido) Gonzaga (* 1421 in Mantua , † June 11, 1448 in Ceresara ) was an Italian nobleman and religious.


Ceresara , Torre Civica

He was the fourth son of Gianfrancesco Gonzaga , the Marquis of Mantua and Paola Malatesta.

At the age of four he became a student of Vittorino da Feltre in his Ca 'Zoiosa. A lover of poetry, he wrote a poem in verse that describes the arrival of Emperor Sigismund in Mantua in 1433 .

Under the supervision of one of Vittorino's closest collaborators, Iacopo da San Cassiano, Gianlucido was sent to Pavia from 1438 to 1442 to study law and became an apostolic protonotary . After his father's death in 1444 , he inherited the lands of Volta , Cavriana , Ceresara , San Martino Gusnago, Piubega , Rodigo and Castellaro .

It is known that he in 1442 to as Pavia Belbello the contract for the Missal (known as the Cathedral of San Pietro in Mantua Missal of Barbara of Brandenburg ) announced. It is now in the Museo Diocesano Francesco Gonzaga . He commissioned Barbara von Brandenburg to complete the parchment missal, which was completed at the suggestion of Andrea Mantegna in 1465 by the miniaturist Girolamo da Cremona , with his assistant Taddeo Crivelli .

In poor health he died in his fiefdom of Ceresara at the age of 27 and his property passed to his brother Ludovico .


  1. ^ Vittorio Rossi: Storia letteraria d'Italia. Il Quattrocento . Padua 1992 (Italian).
  2. ^ Paolo d'Alessandro and Pier Daniele Napolitani, Archimede Latino.
  3. ^ Messale di Barbara ( it )
  4. Pierino Pelati: Il Castello di Ceresara . Asola 2005 (Italian).


  • Carlo Rosmini: Idea dell'ottimo precettore, Vittorino da Feltre . Milan 1866 (Italian).
  • Vittorio Rossi: Storia letteraria d'Italia. Il Quattrocento . Padua 1992 (Italian).
  • Pierino Pelati: Il castello di Ceresara . Asola 2005 (Italian).
  • Giacomo Capitanio: Rodigo, Cronistoria (1050-1866) . Mantua 1995 (Italian).