Giovanni Niccolò Tanari

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Giovanni Niccolò Tanari (also Giovanni Nicola Tanari or Giovanni Niccolò Tanara ; * May 12, 1795 in Bologna , † December 3, 1853 in Nice ) was an Italian Roman Catholic clergyman and curia bishop .


The ordination received Giovanni Niccolò Tanari on 20 September 1817. He received on 26 February 1818, the University of Bologna a doctorate in canon law . He entered the service of the Curia and became papal house prelate on January 27, 1825 , and apostolic protonotary on October 1, 1826 .

Pope Leo XII. appointed him on May 21, 1827 Bishop of Faenza . He was ordained bishop on June 24th of the same year by Cardinal Carlo Oppizzoni , Archbishop of Bologna ; Co- consecrators were Antonio Maria Cadolini CRSP , Bishop of Cesena , and Filippo de Angelis , Coadjutor Bishop of Corneto (Tarquinia) e Montefiascone . On July 2, 1832, he resigned as Bishop of Faenza and was replaced by Pope Gregory XVI. Appointed Titular Archbishop of Nicosia . On December 17, 1832, the Pope gave him the Archdiocese of Urbino . In 1845 he returned to Rome and became canon of St. Peter and Latin (titular) patriarch of Antioch . Pope Pius IX appointed him on July 16, 1847 secretary of the Congregation for the Apostolic Visitation.


  • Philippe Bountry: Prélats Référendaires et officers de curie en fonctions sous la restauration (1814–1846) . In: Souverain et pontife. Recherches prosopographiques sur la Curie Romaine à l'âge de la Restoration (1814–1846) . École française de Rome, Rome 2002, margin no. 561-562 (French, online edition [accessed May 16, 2018]).

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predecessor Office successor
Antonio Luigi Piatti Latin (titular) patriarch of Antioch
Albertus Barbolani di Montauto
Giangrisostomo Dondini Archbishop of Urbino
Alessandro Angeloni
Stefano Bonsignore Bishop of Faenza
Giovanni Benedetto Folicaldi