Flesh pink gladiolus

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Flesh pink gladiolus
Gladiolus carneus (2) .jpg

Flesh pink gladiolus ( Gladiolus carneus )

Class : Bedecktsamer (Magnoliopsida)
Order : Asparagales (Asparagales)
Family : Iris family (Iridaceae)
Genre : Gladiolus ( Gladiolus )
Type : Flesh pink gladiolus
Scientific name
Gladiolus carneus
D. Delaroche

The gladiolus carneus ( Gladiolus carneus ) is a plant of the genus gladiolus ( Gladiolus ) in the family of the Iridaceae (Iridaceae). This endemic occurs only in the South African province of Western Cape .


Zygomorphic flower, the three stigmas are clearly visible
Habit and flowers of the wild form

Vegetative characteristics

The flesh-red gladiolus is a perennial herbaceous plant that reaches heights of 20 to 100 centimeters. As a permanent organ, this geophyte forms tubers . The stem is unbranched.

The mostly five alternate and two-line leaves on the stem are parallel-veined. The simple leaf blade is relatively long and sword-shaped with a width of 0.5 to 1, rarely up to 2 centimeters and a length of usually 30, rarely up to 60 centimeters. The leaf margin is smooth.

Generative characteristics

The flowering period in Central Europe usually extends from June to July. The terminal, unbranched, loosely two-row, ear- shaped inflorescence contains two up to 6 centimeters long bracts and usually eight to eleven, rarely up to twelve flowers.

The sessile, hermaphroditic flower , which smells of carnations at night, is threefold and strongly zygomorphic . The flower tube is about 8 inches long. There are two times three bloom bracts of different shapes , they are white, cream-colored, pale pink or to pale pink-purple. The bracts are ovate and suddenly spread out; the top three are larger. There is only the inner circle with three free, fertile stamens , because they are opposite the outer bracts and do not protrude from the flower tube with which they are fused at the base. Three carpels have become an under constant ovary grown. The stylus ends in three pits.

The triple capsule fruit has a length of about 20 millimeters and contains many seeds.

The number of chromosomes is 2n = 30.


Gladiolus carneus is endemic and only occurs in the South African province of Western Cape . It thrives on rich sandy and swampy soils at altitudes from 0 to 1200 meters.

It is rated in the Red List of Endangered Plant Species in South Africa as Least Concern = not endangered.


Gladiolus carneus was first published in 1766 by Daniel Delaroche in Descriptiones plantarum aliquot novarum , p. 30. The specific epithet carneus means flesh-colored. Synonyms for Gladiolus carneus D.Delaroche are: Gladiolus albidus Jacq. , Gladiolus blandus Aiton , Gladiolus callistus F. Bolus , Gladiolus campanulatus Andrews , Gladiolus cordatus Thunb. , Gladiolus cuspidatus var. Ensifolius Baker , Gladiolus cuspidatus var. Ventricosus (Lam.) Baker , Gladiolus excelsus (Ker Gawl.) Sweet , Gladiolus eximius Ingram , Gladiolus expallescens cabinet , Gladiolus lunulatus Klatt , Gladiolus macowanianus Klatt , Gladiolus pictus Sweet , prismatosiphon Gladiolus Schltr. , Gladiolus trimaculatus Lam. , Gladiolus ventricosus Lam. , Gladiolus vinulus Klatt .


The flesh pink gladiolus is rarely used as an ornamental plant.

Gladiolus carneus is one of the parent species of the garden gladiolus ( Gladiolus × hortulanus ).

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Gladiolus carneus at Tropicos.org. In: IPCN Chromosome Reports . Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis
  2. a b c Gladiolus carneus in the Red List of South African Plants
  3. ^ Gladiolus carneus at Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, accessed October 3, 2016.
  4. ^ Dictionary of Botanical Epithets .


  • Eckehart J. Jäger, Friedrich Ebel, Peter Hanelt, Gerd K. Müller (eds.): Rothmaler excursion flora from Germany. Volume 5: Herbaceous ornamental and useful plants. Spectrum Academic Publishing House, Berlin Heidelberg 2008, ISBN 978-3-8274-0918-8 .

Web links

Commons : Flesh pink gladiolus ( Gladiolus carneus )  - collection of images, videos, and audio files