Gloria Nefzger

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Gloria Nefzger (born April 8, 1985 ) is a German actress .


At first Gloria Nefzger took acting lessons from Hans Dieter Trayer from 2003 to 2004 , before starting an apprenticeship a year later at the Fachfachschule Schauspiel München , which was founded by Trayer in 1987. During this training, she completed several camera acting seminars at Macromedia with Mathias Allary (2006), at the HFF Munich with Miroslav Mandić (2006) and with Bruno Schiebel and Ursula Gottwald (2007). From 2007 to 2008 Nefzger also received vocal coaching ( mezzo-soprano ) from Sarah Steindamm. In 2011 she took part in a “Masterclass Workshop” with Bernhard Hiller in Hamburg .

During her acting training from 2004 to 2007 she played mainly on the in-house theater stage, for example in the plays Die Kleinbürgerhochzeit , Emilia Galotti , Honigmond and Lysistrata . She also gained practical experience at the Munich TamS Theater , where she could be seen in I hired a contract killer - based on the cinema production contract with my killer . The film is based on the novel The Sufferings of a Chinese in China by Jules Verne (1828–1905).

She also worked in short films such as Reap what you sow (2006), Wasted (2006), And tomorrow we live on (2007) or Just the 2 of us (2008), all of which were produced at the HFF Munich . In 2007 they also realized the project How it remains , which was later shown in the cinema , in which Nefzger appeared as Dana . A year earlier she took over the role of Niki in 6 Days - 6 Genres and stood in front of the camera for Schwendtage at the KHM Cologne . Other short film projects were Magical Thinking (2009) and Tomorrow will not be different in winter (2011). The latter was produced by PostAbstraktFilm , a collective of young artists from the Munich area.

However, she made her comrade debut in 2003 in the movie Pura Vida Ibiza , directed by Gernot Roll . Nefzger gained greater fame through the television film Die Jahrhundertlawine , which was made in winter 2008. She also got a guest role in the ARD early evening series Marienhof , in which she played Jule Busch from May 15 to June 12, 2009 . Immediately afterwards she became part of the main cast of the Bavaria series One for all - women can do better . However, since the format had to struggle with major rating problems since it started broadcasting and was ultimately shortened from 200 planned to 100 broadcast episodes, she was only seen as Saskia Vollenbrinck for two months .

She had her first leading role in the Heimatfilm Die Posthalter-Christl , shown for the first time on May 8, 2010 . This was followed by episode roles in various series, such as Utta Danella , Sturm der Liebe and Herzflimmern - Liebe zum Leben .

Gloria Nefzger speaks fluent English as well as her mother tongue. She currently lives in Munich .


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