Gonzalo de Jesús Rivera Gómez

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from left to right: Víctor Manuel Ochoa Cadavid , Alberto Giraldo Jaramillo , Gonzalo de Jesús Rivera Gómez and Gilberto Jiménez Narváez

Gonzalo de Jesús Rivera Gómez (born November 3, 1933 in Marinilla ; † October 20, 2019 in Rionegro ) was a Colombian clergyman and Roman Catholic auxiliary bishop in Medellín .


Gonzalo de Jesús Rivera Gómez was ordained a priest on October 16, 1960 after his theological training at the Major Seminary in Medellín . In addition to various pastoral activities, he was engaged as episcopal vicar.

Pope John Paul II appointed him auxiliary bishop in Medellín and titular bishop of Bennefa on January 28, 1998 . The Archbishop of Medellín, Alberto Giraldo Jaramillo PSS , donated him episcopal ordination on March 25 of the same year ; Co-consecrators were Héctor Rueda Hernández , Old Archbishop of Medellín, and Paolo Romeo , Apostolic Nuncio in Colombia .

On February 16, 2010, Pope Benedict XVI. his age-related resignation.

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