Gottfried Wegner

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Gottfried Wegner (synonym: Georg Finwetter ; born March 18, 1644 in Oels ; † June 14, 1709 in Königsberg i. Pr. ) Was a German Lutheran theologian.


The son of the mayor in Eberswalde Martin Wegner (1616–3 March 1675) and his wife Marie Hyller had completed school education in Breslau , at the Joachimsthalsches Gymnasium and in Thorn . At the University of Leipzig and from 1663 at the Albertus University of Königsberg he had completed a degree in theology and philosophical sciences. In Koenigsberg he had acquired the academic degree of a master's degree in philosophy on September 30, 1666. In 1668 he became archdeacon and rector of the school in Neustadt Eberswalde . In 1674 he took over a diaconate at the Nikolaikirche in Frankfurt (Oder) and in 1675 at the Marienkirche there . He also held lectures at the Brandenburg University of Frankfurt from 1676 .

On July 12, 1694, he had obtained his doctorate in theology at the Friedrichs-Universität Halle , in 1695 took over an extraordinary professorship at the theological faculty of the University of Königsberg and, connected with it, became the second court preacher. In 1697 he became a full third professor and in 1703 rose to the position of second full professor. In 1709 he was promoted to the first full professor, associated with it he was appointed senior preacher and assessor at the Samland consistory . Before he could take up these offices, he passed away. Wegner, who also took part in the university's organizational tasks as prorector of the Alma Mater in the 1706/07 winter semester , was a member of the Electoral Brandenburg Society of Sciences .

As a theologian, he leaned closely on Lutheran Orthodoxy . In addition, he developed an extremely fruitful activity as a writer and had more than one hundred and fifty writings printed. In addition to many theological topics, he also touches on mathematics in his works. Above all, he has made a name for himself as a hymn poet and ran a printing shop that he had acquired for his deaf and dumb son Gottlieb in Landsberg (Warthe).

From his marriage on September 30, 1669 with Sophie Katharina, daughter of the Arrendator Arnold Bredelow in Angerau, children come. Of his eight children, five died before their father. Known are the sons Gottlieb Wegner and Gottfried Wegner, Dorothea Magaretha Wegner († 1672) and a daughter NN. married the archpriest in Rastenburg M. Friedrich Seuberlich in 1705.

Works (selection)

  • Sciagraphia Geographiae mathematicae . Koenigsberg 1666
  • Spiritual parodies . Cölln on the Spree 1668 2nd parts
  • Calendarium romanum vetus . Hamburg 1671
  • Spiritual odes, psalms and songs . Cölln on the Spree 1674 4 parts and others
  • Isagoge ad Wasmuthi Grammaticam Hebraicam . Koenigsberg 1678
  • Specimen hierolexici commentariique philologico-theologici in N. Testamentum Graecum, novi quidem, sed et plenioris et nusquam antea hac methodo editi . Frankfurt (Oder) 1679, 1690
  • Biblidion de bibliothecis per societatem augendi s. Koenigsberg 1686
  • Isagogues ad Theologiam positivam acroamaticam B. Jo. Frid. Koenigii, qua iuxta ductum ipsius veritas Religionis Christiaanae per quaestiones breviter proponitur, et controversiae potiores strictim expediuntur . Wittenberg 1699
  • Annotata in Matthaeum, historiam infantiae, baptismi, tentationis et concionis Jesu Christi in monte habitae, illustrantia . Koenigsberg 1699, Leipzig 1705
  • Enantiophaniae in libris symbolicis Lutheranis occurentes conciliatae .
  • Concionum miscellan , vol. I. Frankfurt 1699.
  • German songs and poems . 1700.
  • Observationibus ad Lutheri versionem Bibliorum Germanicam . o. O. 1701.
  • Epitome bibliorum . Frankfurt 1700 and 1708.
  • Theoria controversiarum praecipuarum neotericarum . Elblag 1701
  • Χειςαγωγία ad studium historiae ecclesiasticae . Koenigsberg 1706.
  • De rethoicae usu in ecclesia magnaque inter civilem et ecclesiasticam convenienta et differentia . Koenigsberg 1706.


  • Daniel Heinrich Arnoldt : Detailed and documented history of the Königsberg University. Johann Heinrich Hartung, Königsberg in Prussia, 1746, Part 2, pp. 180, 184, 210
  • J. Gallandi: Königsberg city families , in: Rudolf Reinicke, Ernst Wichert: Old Prussian monthly new series. Ferdinand Beyer, Königsberg in Pr. 1883, p. 620
  • Johann Georg Peucker: Brief biographical news of the most distinguished Silesian scholars who were born before the eighteenth century, together with an advertisement of their writings. Verlag Evangelische Schulanstalt, Grottkau, 1783, p. 146 ([Online])
  • Paul TschackertWegner, Gottfried . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 41, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1896, p. 426 f.
  • Georg Christoph Pisanski: Draft of a Prussian literary history in four books. Verlag Hartung, Königsberg, 1886, pp. 275, 324, 339, 344, 352, 387, 392, 415, 445, 468, 571, 591, 595,
  • Christian Gottlieb Jöcher : General Scholar Lexicon, Darinne the scholars of all classes, both male and female, who lived from the beginning of the world to the present day, and made themselves known to the learned world, After their birth, life, remarkable stories, Withdrawals and writings from the most credible scribes are described in alphabetical order. Verlag Johann Friedrich Gleditsch, Leipzig, 1751, Vol. 4, Sp. 1848

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