Great Elbe

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Great Elbe
Elbe municipality
Coordinates: 52 ° 5 ′ 23 ″  N , 10 ° 16 ′ 3 ″  E
Height : approx. 135 m above sea level NN
Residents : 804  (Sep 30, 1998)
Incorporation : March 1, 1974
Postal code : 38274
Area code : 05345
Location of Groß Elbe in the Elbe municipality
South-western entrance to Groß Elbe
South-western entrance to Groß Elbe

Groß Elbe is the largest district of the Elbe municipality, which is part of the Baddeckestedt municipality in the Wolfenbüttel district in Lower Saxony.


The following places surround the Great Elbe:

Groß Elbe is located south of the Lichtenberge, the northwest part of the Salzgitter ridge .

Western outskirts of Groß Elbe


War memorial on the southwestern outskirts of Groß Elbe
Primary school Groß Elbe

In 1132, Groß Elbe was first mentioned in a document from Bishop Bernhard I of Hildesheim. In it he transferred various possessions to the St. Michael Monastery in Hildesheim . However, it is believed that the history of the place began several centuries ago. This is indicated above all by broken fragments, bones and other archaeological finds in the area of ​​today's school. A settlement existed here around the year 0. Remnants of iron slag also suggest the earliest iron smelting.

The Bishop of Hildesheim had been the ecclesiastical and secular head of the prince-bishopric , in which Greater Elbe was located , from around 1235 . After the creation of offices within this domain, the place belonged to the office of Wohldenberg . During this time, the property in Groß Elbe, like that of many other surrounding villages, was divided among several owners. In addition to the Hildesheim bishop, this included the Duke of Braunschweig , the monasteries Wöltingerode , Neuwerk , Maria Magdalena, Heiningen and Corvey .

From 1132 until after 1400 the von Elbe family belonging to the lower nobility of Wohldenberg can be traced back to the village, who later moved at least partly to Hildesheim.

In 1523, Groß Elbe became part of the Duchy of Braunschweig together with the Wohldenberg office and other areas. 120 years later in 1643 the area became part of Hildesheim again.

Groß Elbe was also affected by the Thirty Years' War from 1618 to 1648. On November 29th, the Groß Elber rectory became Johann T'Serclaes von Tilly's headquarters. In addition, other documents mention the sale of the church bell during the siege in 1627 and a bad harvest in 1628.

In 1758 the village was sacked by a Prussian volunteer corps. From 1814, Groß Elbe belonged to the Kingdom of Hanover , which was incorporated into Prussia in 1866.

In 1891 a school was built in Groß Elbe, which was replaced by a new building from 1958 to 1960, which was expanded in 1977/1978. The Groß Elbe primary school still exists today.

The Groß Elbe volunteer fire brigade was founded in 1901. After the old Gasthaus Remmert burned down in 1907, the Bürgerschänke, which still exists today, was built in 1908.


Evangelical Church of St. Martin

The year of construction of today's Protestant Church of St. Martin is unknown. The 35 meter high west tower probably dates from the 12th century. During the Thirty Years War, a vestibule was built south of the tower. The current shape dates from 1698, when the church was rebuilt and a nave was added to the east. Two years later it received the pulpit wall and the altar that are still preserved today. The organ dates from 1799. It was built by the Hildesheim organ builder Almes. In 1864 the church received enlarged windows with round arches.

The church's small bell dates from 1805 while the large bell dates from 1962. During the First World War in 1917, the first bell was cast into a cannon. The same thing happened with the new bell from 1931 in World War II in 1942.

The last major renovation of the church took place in 1993/1994. The baroque interior is still striking and worth seeing today.

Since 1542, only one pastor has been responsible for the churches in Groß and Klein Elbe. The two parishes now form a joint parish association with Gustedt.

Population development

Groß Elbe - population development since 1539
year Residents development
1539 312
1572 358
1646 208
1664 224
1701 310
1815 430
1871 633
1939 639
1950 1172
1998 804

Economy and Infrastructure

Transport links

Groß Elbe is located on Landesstrasse 670, which connects Baddeckestedt and Bundesstrasse 6 in the west with Gustedt and Gebhardshagen in the east. There is also a county road that connects the village with Klein Elbe in the south and Haverlah in the southeast.

The nearest train station is in Baddeckestedt on the Hildesheim – Goslar line .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Groß Elbe on the website of the municipality of Baddeckestedt , accessed on March 28, 2018.