Mozambique Grand Prix

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The Mozambique Grand Prix was an automobile race that was held twelve times in the former Portuguese colony of Mozambique from 1958 to 1971 . In 1966 and 1967 it was called the Governor General Cup . The technical regulations corresponded to those of Formula 1 . The races did not have world championship status. In individual years, however, the Mozambique Grand Prix was included in the South African Formula 1 Championship . The record winner was the Rhodesian racing driver John Love , who won five out of twelve races.


The Mozambique Grand Prix was organized by the local Automovil e Touring Club de Moçambique . The tender for the race went back to the colonial power Portugal , who wanted to organize a counterpart to the British-influenced motorsport events in the neighboring countries of Rhodesia and South Africa in their East African colony . The organizers of the Mozambique Grand Prix were particularly interested in the participation of South African racing drivers, who for their part appreciated the constant climatic conditions in Mozambique, which is located to the north. 1966 and 1967 the race was part of the South African Formula 1 championship; However, the organizers did not achieve the goal of establishing the race as a run of this regionally successful series.

The venue for the Grand Prix was the Mozambican capital Lourenço Marques (today: Maputo ). In the first two years, the race was held on a street circuit in the city ( Lourenço Marques Street Circuit ), from 1962 on the newly built, permanent racing circuit Circuito de Lourenço Marques , located directly on the Indian Ocean .

The Mozambique Grand Prix was no longer held from 1972. A major reason for this was the Portuguese colonial war , which was growing in intensity at this time. In 1972 the 3-hour race of Lourenço Marques was held, which Jochen Mass won; it ended motor sport activities in Mozambique for the following two decades. After gaining independence in 1975, automobile racing was initially banned in Mozambique.


Edition year route winner Second Third Pole position Fastest lap
01 1958 Maputo South Africa 1961South Africa Ian Frazer-Jones ( Porsche ) not known not known not known not known
02 1961 Maputo South Africa 1961South Africa Bruce Johnstone ( Cooper - Alfa Romeo ) South Africa 1961South Africa Ernest Pieterse (Heron- Alfa Romeo ) South Africa 1961South Africa Syd van der Vyver ( Cooper - Alfa Romeo ) not known not known
03 1962 Maputo South Africa 1961South Africa Peter de Klerk ( Alfa Special ) South Africa 1961South Africa Doug Serrurier ( LDS - Alfa Romeo ) South Africa 1961South Africa Fanie Viljoen ( LDS - Climax ) not known not known
04th 1963 Maputo South Africa 1961South Africa Peter de Klerk ( Alfa Special ) South Africa 1961South Africa Ernest Pieterse ( Lotus - Climax ) South Africa 1961South Africa Trevor Blokdyk ( Cooper - Maserati ) not known not known
05 1964 Maputo Rhodesia South 1964Southern Rhodesia John Love ( Cooper - Climax ) South Africa 1961South Africa Peter de Klerk ( Alfa Special ) South Africa 1961South Africa Trevor Blokdyk ( Cooper - Maserati ) not known not known
06th 1965 Maputo Rhodesia South 1964Southern Rhodesia John Love ( Cooper - Climax ) South Africa 1961South Africa Peter de Klerk ( Alfa Special ) South Africa 1961South Africa Dave Charlton ( Lotus - Ford ) not known not known
07th 1966 Maputo South Africa 1961South Africa Dave Charlton ( Brabham - Climax ) Rhodesia South 1964Southern Rhodesia John Love ( Cooper - Climax ) Rhodesia South 1964Southern Rhodesia Sam Tingle ( LDS - Climax ) not known not known
08th 1967 Maputo Rhodesia South 1964Southern Rhodesia John Love ( Brabham - Repco ) Rhodesia South 1964Southern Rhodesia Sam Tingle ( LDS - Climax ) South Africa 1961South Africa Jackie Pretorius ( Lotus - Climax ) not known Rhodesia South 1964Southern Rhodesia John Love ( Brabham - Repco )
09 1968 Maputo South Africa 1961South Africa Jackie Pretorius ( Lola - Ford ) not known not known not known not known
10 1969 Maputo RhodesiaRhodesia John Love ( Lotus - Ford ) not known not known not known not known
11 1970 Maputo South Africa 1961South Africa Dave Charlton ( Lotus - Ford ) not known not known not known not known
12 1971 Maputo RhodesiaRhodesia John Love ( Surtees - Ford ) not known not known not known not known


  • Ken Stewart, Norman Reich: Sun on the Grid. Grand Prix and Endurance Racing in Southern Africa . London 1967. ISBN 1-870519-49-3

Web links

Overview of the Formula 1 races without world championship status on the website

Individual evidence

  1. Stewart, Reich: Sun on the Grid, pp. 39 ff., P. 218.
  2. Circuito de Lourenço Marques on the website (accessed on April 11, 2013).
  3. Layout of the Circuito de Lourenço Marques on the website (accessed on April 11, 2013).