Gunnersdorf (municipality of Perschling)

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Gunnersdorf ( village )
cadastral community Gunnersdorf
Gunnersdorf (municipality of Perschling) (Austria)
Red pog.svg
Basic data
Pole. District , state St. Pölten  (PL), Lower Austria
Judicial district Neulengbach
Pole. local community Perschling
Coordinates 48 ° 14 '11 "  N , 15 ° 48' 34"  E Coordinates: 48 ° 14 '11 "  N , 15 ° 48' 34"  Ef1
f3 f0
Residents of the village 44 (January 1, 2020)
Building status 21 (2001 f1)
Area  d. KG 1.18 km²
Post Code 3142 Perschling
Statistical identification
Locality code 05642
Cadastral parish number 19182
Counting district / district Murstetten (31946 001)
Source: STAT : index of places ; BEV : GEONAM ; NÖGIS


Gunnersdorf is a village and cadastral municipality in the municipality of Perschling in the Lower Austrian district of St. Pölten . The village with almost 30 houses is one kilometer from Murstetten .


Gunnersdorf belongs to the parish Murstetten. The majority of the population professes the Catholic faith , but there are also supporters of the Indian and free church currents.


The name of the village comes from a rich landowner "Gunner", who owned a very large farm and whose servants laid the foundation stone for the village with their huts next to this estate.

In the Middle Ages there were fertile vineyards in the village.

Immediately after the Second World War, a tunnel was discovered that led from an old farmhouse to neighboring Murstetten. It seems certain that this was a rescue tunnel that led from the famous Murstetten moated castle to here. However, it is not known whether this tunnel was ever used.