Gunter Lange (trade unionist)

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Gunter Lange (born June 15, 1949 in Annaberg-Buchholz ) is a German trade unionist, journalist, historian and was editor-in-chief of DAG / ver.di publications


After graduating from school with a secondary school leaving certificate , Lange completed an apprenticeship as a social security clerk in Berlin and worked for a health insurance company until 1970 ; moved to the German Employees' Union (DAG) in Berlin in 1971 as a youth education officer , was regional youth leader from 1973 to 1975; after working as a consultant in the regional association management and in the federal youth management in Hamburg and in 1976 he became editor of the DAG publications, from 1997 to 2001 he was editor-in-chief. The merger of the DAG with four DGB unions ( HBV , DPG , IG Medien and ÖTV ) to form the multi-branch trade union Vereinte Dienstgewerkschaft (ver.di) brought Lange back to Berlin as deputy editor-in-chief for the editorial department of publications in the ver.di federal administration . Since his retirement in 2009 he has worked as a freelance writer for various media.

From 1980 to 1984 Lange completed a part-time course in journalism training at the Free University of Berlin , Department of Communication Studies. As a historian , Lange has published various biographies on actors in the German labor movement .

In the 1980 / 90s he was a freelance writer for the science department of Deutschlandfunk , the Süddeutsche Zeitung , Frankfurter Rundschau , the German University Newspaper , the Berlin Voice and Vorwärts, among others .


  • Gunter Lange: 15 years of ver.di: the multi-branch trade union 2001 to 2016, in: Work - Movement - History , Issue III / 2016.
  • Gunter Lange: Siegfried Aufhäuser (1884–1969). A life for the white-collar movement. A biography (= trade unionists under National Socialism. Persecution - Resistance - Emigration. Volume 5). Metropol, Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-3-86331-096-7 .
  • Gunter Lange: The "professor" of little people - social policy with competence and passion. Ernst Schellenberg (1907 - 1984) on his 100th birthday , Bonn 2008, ISBN 978-3-89892-768-0 ( PDF; 1.43 MB ).
  • Gunter Lange: Otto Suhr : in the shadow of Ernst Reuter and Willy Brandt; a biography , Bonn 1994.
  • Gunter Lange: Jeanette Wolff 1888 - 1976. A biography . Neue Gesellschaft & Dietz , Bonn 1988, ISBN 3-87831-468-X
  • Gunter Lange: Otto Suhr , 1894–1957 - Passion for real politics and political science, series of publications by the Berlin House of Representatives 2019, ISBN 978-3-922581-34-5 ,
  • Gunter Lange: The tension field of codetermination , editor of the Vattenfall Works Council in Berlin 2018
  • Gunter Lange: 100 years of the DAA -Technikum - becoming a technician with distance learning , publisher: DAA Foundation Education and Profession, Hamburg 2018, ISBN 978-3-935815-90-1
  • Gunter Lange: Fifty Years of Education in Lower Saxony , publisher ver.di-Bildungswerk in Lower Saxony, Hanover 2016
  • Gunter Lange: Siegfried Aufhäuser Political wandering years of an employee trade union , in "From Left Liberalism to Social Democracy", Ed. Detlef Lehnert , Series Historical Democracy Research, Volume 8, Cologne 2015, ISBN 978-3-412-22387-8

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