Gustave Revilliod

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Gustave Revilliod

Gustave-Philippe Revilliod (born  April 8, 1817 in Geneva , †  December 21, 1890 in Cairo ) was a Swiss writer and publisher, as well as an archaeologist , art collector and patron . In 1877 he founded the Ariana Museum, which has been operating as the Swiss Museum of Ceramics and Glass, in his hometown .


Gustave Revilliod was born in Geneva in 1817 and studied law in his hometown from 1835 to 1837 and philosophy in Berlin in 1838/1839 . In addition to his own work as an author and publisher, he translated a number of German-language works into French and was President of the Society for History and Archeology in Geneva. From 1868 to 1870 he was a member of the Grand Conseil , the parliament of the Canton of Geneva .

The Ariana Museum in Geneva , conceived as a ceramic and glass exhibition and named after his mother, goes back to him , which he had built for his private art collection and later bequeathed to the city along with his assets and real estate. In Ariana Park on Geneva Avenue de la Paix, there is not only the museum but also the Palais des Nations , which was built as the seat of the League of Nations and is now the European headquarters of the United Nations .

In 1869 he represented Switzerland at the opening of the Suez Canal . After traveling around the world in 1888/1889 , he died in Cairo in 1890 while traveling through Egypt . His body was transferred to his hometown about a year after his death and buried in a tomb in Ariana Park. A street in Geneva, Rue Gustave-Revilliod , bears his name in memory of him.

Works (selection)

  • Jean Gutenberg. Premier maître imprimeur. Ses faits et discours les plus dignes d'admiration et sa mort. Geneva 1858 (translation, German original by Franz von Dingelstedt)
  • La cité de Bâle au quatorzième siècle. Geneva 1863
  • George Ienatsch ou les grisons & la suisse pendant de la guerre de trente ans. Geneva 1869 (translation, German original by Balthasar Reber )
  • De Genève a Suez: lettres écrites d'orient. Geneva 1870
  • Mémoires d'un ouvrier. Les Aventures de ma vie. Geneva and Paris 1877 (translation, German original by Georg Joseph Braun)
  • Portraits et croquis; album d'un homme de lettres. Geneva 1889
