Hannes Gruber

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Hannes Gruber (born October 22, 1928 in Adliswil near Zurich ) is a Swiss painter .


Hannes Gruber is the second son of Paul and Erna Gruber-Hartmann. He spent his youth and school days in Oberrieden on Lake Zurich . In 1943/44 he attended the Zurich School of Applied Arts , where he was taught by Ernst Gubler , among others . From 1944 to 1948 he did an apprenticeship with Orell Füssli in Zurich, at the same time he attended courses in the painting class of Ernst Gubler and Max Gubler at the Zurich School of Applied Arts, under the direction of Johannes Itten . In 1945 he made friends with the painter, draftsman and graphic artist Karl Hosch (1900–1972). After moving to Grevasalvas in the Upper Engadine (1948) he worked there as a freelance painter. In 1953 his son Stefan (now known as filmmaker Steff Gruber ) was born. After returning to Zurich (1954), Hannes Gruber opened his own graphic studio. In 1957 the daughter Ursina was born. In 1960 he met the graphic artist and author Hans Neuburg . In 1968 his daughter Sandrina was born. The next year Gruber opened a studio on the Hirzel . In 1971 he made the acquaintance of Karl Madritsch . In 1972 he moved to the Engadin again, this time to Sils Baselgia . He moved into a studio in Bondo . He became friends with Willy Guggenheim (Varlin).

to travel

Gruber made his first painting trip to Northern Italy in 1949. A study trip took him to Holland in 1950 and another painting trip to Denmark in 1952. He made further trips to Italy (1958 with Karl Hosch) to Bergamo and Verona , then to Sicily (1966) and Tuscany (1967). A summer stay in Spain (1969) earned him a commission for several wall pictures on a building on Ibiza . Together with Michael Baviera he traveled to New York in 1974 and met the painter Pierre Haubensak there. Another summer stay in Italy took place in 1977.


The first watercolors of landscapes from the area around Oberrieden were created in 1940. Hannes Gruber painted in oil for the first time in 1942 . In 1950 he received an order for large murals for Olma . In 1966 he illustrated an edition of Tristan by Thomas Mann . In 1971 he was commissioned with a three-dimensional wall design in the Fuhr schoolhouse in Wädenswil .


  • From 1947 regular participation in the exhibition Zurich-Land
  • 1949 Participation in the exhibition Young Zurich Artists at the Kunsthaus Zurich
  • 1966 Läubli Gallery, Zurich
  • 1973 Elephant Gallery, Zurzach
  • From 1974 regular participation in the exhibition of Bündner Künstler in the Kunsthaus Chur
  • 1974 Elephant Gallery, Zurzach
  • 1978 Uster town house
  • 1981 Wolfsberg Art Salon , Zurich
  • 1983 Industrie Leasing AG, Zurich


  • Heinz Binder: Adliswil: a city with a future . City of Adliswil, Adliswil 2000, ISBN 3-9521964 .
  • Hannes Gruber . In: Biografisches Lexikon der Schweizer Kunst Verlag NZZ, Zurich 1998, ISBN 3-85823-673-X .
  • Hannes and Piccola Gruber (eds.): Border crossing . Documentation on the art campaign on the Italian-Swiss border between Chiavenna (I) and Castasegna (CH). Zurich 1995.
  • Peter K. Wehrli: Hannes Gruber, Sils - Chiavenna - Sicilia . Zurich / Milan 1989.
  • Michael Baviera: Omaggio a Barbaresco e Chiavenna . Zurich / Milan 1988.
  • Eduard Campbell, Upper Engadin Tourist Office, Culture Commission, Segantini Museum St. Moritz: The Upper Engadine in Painting. 18th century to the present. Engadina alta nella pittura dal 18th secolo ad oggi. Engadin in painting from the 18th century to the present . Exhibition catalog 1985.
  • Swiss Institute for Art Research, Hans-Jörg Heusser: Lexicon of contemporary Swiss artists. Dictionnaire des artistes suisses contemporains. Catalogo degli artisti svizzeri contemporanei . Huber, Frauenfeld 1981.
  • H. and H. Zschokke: Association for Original Graphics 1948-1982 . (Compilation of the catalog of works). Orell Füssli, Zurich 1982.
  • Michael Baviera, Ed .: Hannes Gruber . Verlag “Um die Ecke”, Zurich 1979.
  • Walter Läubli, texts: Hugo Loetscher [et al.]: Artist portraits . ABC Verlag AG, Zurich 1974.
  • bp: magic kaleidoscope . In: Badener Tagblatt , December 14, 1973, p. 41.

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